This message is shown by Jesus Craft when the help command is sent to a channel:
Jesus Craft BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Jesus Craft
PayPal to keep JesusCraft's servers running and to support its development
You asked the Lord for help.
This is what the Lord can do for you: - Filters words that are not approved by the Holy Church. - Salutes all who are worthy enough and condemns sins. - Dabs for your sins. - !bible or !verse gets yourself a bible verse. - Use ask jesus to ask the Lord any question. - Start a sentence with wwjd to know what Jesus would do. - You can ask me to get you a meme, but remember to always say please. - !ping sends a ping to the server. - Use send bass to get some 🅱️ass sent to you. - Say bass to get the Holy Slapp. - You can ask me to send you a song and I'll show you some true church-approved bangers. - Type !info to get the latest JC's info. - Type !servergraph or !dabcount to get an overview of JC's presence.
For any issue or to report any weird interactions or bugs, you can contact the developer at <@!232980293177311243> or join the community at Suggestions welcome!
Jesus Craft is live in more than 550 servers, you can buy the developers a coffee to keep it running at