Jukes Box Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
.help |
- |
.prefix |
- |
.lang |
- |
Command | Description |
/channelallow |
Allows one or more command on the current Text Channel. |
/channeldeny |
Denies one or more command on the current Text Channel. |
/channeldenylist |
Shows the blocked Commands on the current Text Channel. |
/clear |
Deletes `n` messages from the current channel. |
/giverole |
Give one or more roles to a `@member`. |
/help |
Show the commands. |
/invitebot |
The link to invite the bot to another server. |
/join |
Joins the current Voice Channel. |
/lang |
Shows/changes the bot language. |
/leave |
Leaves the Voice Channel. |
/loop |
Toggle the Loop mode (for the current song). |
/nowplaying |
Shows the current song. |
/pause |
Pauses the playback. |
/play |
Adds a music/playlist in the queue. Use `/playlist` to search for playlists. |
/poll |
Create a poll (max. of 10 items). They must be between `""`. |
/prefix |
Shows/changes the server prefix. |
/queue |
Displays the current queue. |
/remove |
Removes a song from the queue. |
/resetconfig |
Reset all Server configuration settings. |
/resume |
Resumes the playback. |
/rmrole |
Remove one or more roles from a `@member`. |
/search |
Searches for a music/playlist. Use `/playlist` to search for playlists. |
/seek |
Seeks on a specific timestamp of the song. Format is in `seconds`. |
/serverinfo |
Shows all Server settings and info. |
/shuffle |
Toggles the Shuffle mode. |
/skip |
Skip `n` songs. |
/stop |
Clears the queue and stops the playback. |
/telemetry |
Set the Telemetry level (0- Minimal, 1- Full). |
/userinfo |
`@member` information. |
/videoinfo |
Shows YouTube video information. |
/volume |
Shows/changes the volume (0-100). |
14,900,000 Servers
11,500,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,980,000 Servers
9,010,000 Servers