Kariari icon

Kariari icon

Kariari Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 38 slash commands for Kariari Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Kariari when the help command is sent to a channel:
Kariari avatar
Kariari BOT today at 4:20 PM
Eventcord Help

For a more detailed list of commands, visit undefined.
Need help getting started? Visit undefined.

Below, '<argument>' is a placeholder for a required argument, '[argument]' for an optional argument, and '@user' for a mentioned user. Remember to remove the placeholders when actually using the command.
⚠️ indicates the command is NSFW only.

Your server's prefix is ;
Your server's master role is Event Admin. Thanks for using Eventcord!

Support Server: https://discord.gg/YyWpY55

! Public Service Announcement Commands

;coronavirus Get basic information on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Config Commands

;config <server, user> Allows you to configure the bot as you please
;setup Get the bot up and running!

Event Commands

;cycle Cycles the event
;events Lists all events on this server
;join [@friend] Adds you to the event. You can mention your friend to group up with them.
;leave Removes you from the event
;positions Shows the current positions for an event
;votekick <mentions of the members to kick or the event position to kick> Start a vote to kick members from the event.

Event Management Commands

;autocycle <time between cycles (e.g. 1m 30s) or disable> Automatically cycle the event based on time.
;end Ends an event
;groupsize <max event group size> Set the max size for groups in an event.
;lock Locks or unlocks the event
;push <@member> <position> Push a member into an event position
;remove <@user> Removes a member from the event
;start [optional event message] [optional mentioned text channel to start the event in] Starts an event

Info Commands

;about About the bot and provides the invite link
;help Shows the commands for the bot
;ping Returns the bot's ping
;serverinfo Shows information about the server
;shards Shows the status of the shards
;stats The bot's statistics
;upvote Tells you how to upvote the bot
;userinfo [@user] Shows information about a user

Karaoke Commands

;ready Mutes users in the voice channel for karaoke events

Leveling Commands

;leaderboard Shows the server's leaderboard
;profile [@friend] Lets you check your/your friend's current level, rank, and Eventcord profile.
;xp Manage member experience points

Music Commands

;lyrics <search query> Search for lyrics

Other Commands

;stars [star key] View the Eventcord premium level of the server or manage your Eventcord stars.
;uwuify <text to uwuify> Uwuifys the provided text.
⚠️ ;weeb Shows a random image from weeb accounts on Twitter

Mask up!
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Kariari by visiting their support server or their website:

More Information on Kariari

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