KFC Bucket boi icon

KFC Bucket boi icon

KFC Bucket boi

0 reviews | 548 servers
Default Prefix: k!
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting KFC Bucket boi to a new server, it will send you this private message:
KFC Bucket boi avatar
KFC Bucket boi BOT today at 4:20 PM

To run a command in My Server, use k! command or @KFC Bucket boi#8900 command. For example, k! prefix or @KFC Bucket boi#8900 prefix.
To run a command in this DM, simply use command with no prefix.

Use help <command> to view detailed information about a specific command.
Use help all to view a list of all commands, not just available ones.

Available commands in My Server

Autoresponders - I'll respond to certain words!
e: MegaE!
k: MegaK!
megapp: MegaPP!

Economy - Earning money from KFC? nice!
balance: Check the balance of a user
buy: Buy anything from a server shop
inventory: Display's your user's inventory
item: displays the server shop
itemadd: Add Items to your server shop
itemremove: Removes an item from your server shop
leaderboard: Lists the Nuggies leaderboard for the server!
shop: displays the server shop
use: Use's an item in a user's inventory
work: Work to become a world renowned KFC worker

Fun - Never thought I'd have fun with a bot before
8ball: I will read out the fortune of the user
comment: I'll convert your message into a Youtube comment!
cool: I'll show you a video on how to be cool!
dadjoke: I'll grab a random dad joke from https://icanhazdadjoke.com/slack
quote: I'll give out a quote from a random anime!
say: I can say whatever the user wants!
ship: Mixing names and checking their love!
urban: Gives you search results from urbandictionary with the phrase you give me!

Image - Utilise my wonderful features for messing or searching images!
emote: Shows an emote as an image
gif: I will grab a gif from https://giphy.com/ depending on what the user is searching for!
image: I'll look for any image from https://serpapi.com/images-results
meme: I'll grab a random meme from a select number of subreddits!

Bot Status

KFC Bucket boi's current status is online
Last checked (2024-07-03 19:45:04 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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