Khlang Bot icon

Khlang Bot icon

Khlang Bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 81 slash commands for Khlang Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Khlang Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Khlang Bot avatar
Khlang Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Hello!!I'm Khlang-Bot.I have alot of commands like fun, image, info, mods, music, gamestats, etc..
Hey this is a beta only, we will fix more commands.Thanks for using Khlang bot!
Prefix: // (You can also use <@!694216276180205588> as a prefix)

RGB Emoji| Fun [**9**]

advice, fact, flip, meme, pokemon, random, reminder, screenshot, urban.

RGB Emoji| Giveaway [**4**]

g-delete, g-edit, g-reroll, g-start.

RGB Emoji| Guild [**10**]

avatar, dashboard, discrim, emoji-list, firstmessage, guildicon, poll, role-info, server-info, user-info.

RGB Emoji| Image [**16**]

blurpify, captcha, cat, changemymind, clyde, deepfry, dog, generate, image, phcomment, qrcode, ship, stickbug, threats, twitter, whowouldwin.

RGB Emoji| Misc [**7**]

about, help, invite, shorturl, status, support, uptime.

RGB Emoji| Moderation [**18**]

addrole, ban, clear-warning, clear, deafen, delrole, dm, editrole, kick, mute, nick, report, slowmode, unban, undeafen, unmute, warn, warnings.

RGB Emoji| Music [**32**]

247, back, bassboost, dc, fast-forward, join, loop, lyrics, move, nightcore, np, p-add, p-create, p-delete, p-load, p-remove, p-view, pause, pitch, play, previous, queue, remove, resume, rewind, search, seek, shuffle, skip, speed, vaporwave, volume.

RGB Emoji| Plugins [**5**]

rr-add, rr-remove, set-lang, set-logs, set-plugin.

RGB Emoji| Searcher [**8**]

fortnite, instagram, mc, r6, reddit, steam, twitch, weather.

RGB Emoji| Ticket [**4**]

ticket-close, ticket-create, ticket-setup, ticket.

Type `//help [command]` for command specific information.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Khlang Bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/247 Stays in the voice channel even if no one is in it.
/4k Look at NSFW images.
/about Information about me.
/advice Get some random advice
/anal Look at NSFW images.
/ass Look at NSFW images.
/avatar Displays user's avatar.
/back Plays the previous song in the queue.
/bassboost Bassboost the song
/blurpify Blurpify an image.
/boobs Look at NSFW images.
/captcha Create a captcha image.
/cat Have a nice picture of a cat.
/changemymind Create a change my mind image.
/clyde Create a fake Clyde message.
/dashboard Sends a link to your Server's dashboard.
/dc Disconnects the bot from the voice channel.
/deepfry Deepfry an image.
/discrim Discrim
/dog Have a nice picture of a dog.
/emoji-list Displays the server's emojis
/fact Receive a random fact.
/fast-forward Fast forwards the player by your specified amount.
/firstmessage Gets the first message from the channel.
/flip Flip a coin.
/fortnite Get information on a Fortnite account.
/generate Generate a custom image.
/guildicon Get the server's icon.
/help Shows you information for every cmd
/hneko Look at NSFW images.
/image Finds an image based on the topic.
/info See some information about Musicium
/instagram Get information on an Instagram account.
/invite Invite the Bot to your Own server and get the ultimate music expierence
/join Makes the bot join your voice channel.
/loop Loops the song or queue.
/lyrics Get lyrics on a song.
/mc Pings a minecraft for information.
/meme Sends a random meme.
/move Moves the specified song to the specified position.
/nightcore Toggles nightcore mode.
/np Shows the current song playing.
/pause Pauses the music.
/pgif Look at NSFW images.
/phcomment Create a fake Pornhub comment.
/pitch Sets the player's pitch. If you input "reset", it will set the pitch back to default.
/play Play a song.
/pokemon Get information on a pokemon.
/pussy Look at NSFW images.
/qrcode Create a QR code.
/queue Displays the queue.
/r6 Gets statistics on a Rainbow 6 Account.
/random Replies with a random number.
/reddit Send a random image from a chosen subreddit.
/remove Removes a song from the queue
/rewind Rewinds the player by your specified amount.
/role-info Get information on a role.
/screenshot Get a screenshot of a website.
/search Searches for a song.
/seek Sets the playing track's position to the specified position.
/server-info Get information on the server.
/ship Create a ship image.
/shorturl Creates a shorturl on the URL you sent.
/shuffle Shuffles the playlist.
/skip Skips the current song.
/speed Sets the player's playback speed.
/status Gets the status of the bot.
/steam Get information on a Steam account.
/stickbug Create a stickbug meme.
/support Get support on the bot.
/thigh Look at NSFW images.
/threats Creates a threat meme.
/twitch Get information on a twitch account.
/twitter Create a fake Twitter tweet.
/uptime Gets the uptime of the bot.
/urban Get the urban dictionary of a word.
/user-info Get information on a user.
/vaporwave Toggles vaporwave mode.
/volume Changes the volume of the song
/weather Look up the weather in a certain area.
/whowouldwin Create a whowouldwin image.

More Information on Khlang Bot

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