Kirino icon

Kirino icon

Kirino Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 17 bot commands and 92 slash commands for Kirino Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Kirino when the help command is sent to a channel:
Kirino avatar
Kirino BOT today at 4:20 PM

I need the permission manage message to be used.

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Kirino by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
;run -
;learnpy -
;github -
;openclassrooms -
;code -
;rustdoc -
;base -
;base64 -
;md5 -
;xp -
;leaderboard -
;rolereward -
;scale -
;afk -
;banword -
;rule -
;language -
Command Description
/afk Allow you to leave a message for those who mention you while you're AFK
/ascii decode Decode a text from ASCII
/ascii encode Encode a text in ASCII
/ask Answer your question
/avatar Display the avatar of a user
/ban Ban the specified user
/banword add Add a word to the banned words
/banword list Tell you what words are currently in the banned words
/banword remove Remove a word from the banned words
/base Perform a base (radix) conversion
/base64 decode Decode a text from base64
/base64 encode Encode a text in base64
/beta disable Disable the beta mode
/beta enable Enable the beta mode
/beta status Tell you if the beta mode is currently enabled or disabled
/blacklist channel add Blacklist a channel
/blacklist channel remove Remove a channel from the blacklist
/blacklist list Display the blacklisted roles and channels
/blacklist role add Blacklist a role
/blacklist role remove Remove a role from the blacklist
/call asfile Enable or disable if the calls results are sent as plain text or as a text file in an attachment
/call channel dm Set the channel in which the calls results will be to the user's DM
/call channel get Display the currently set channel in which the calls results will be sent
/call channel reset Restore the default behavior where the results are sent in the same channel as the call itself
/call channel set Change the channel in which the calls results will be sent
/call start Start a new call
/codeblock Tell you how to send a block of code with appropriate syntax highlighting on Discord
/donation Display my developer's paypal if you want to support me by donating
/dontasktoask Explain why should explain your issue instead of saying no more than you have an issue
/edit Edit a message I sent
/emoji Display the image used for an emoji
/github Display informations about a GitHub user
/help Give you some ways to get help if you need it
/invite Give you the link to invite me to a new Discord server
/join Make me join your current voice channel
/joinmsg reset Remove the join message
/joinmsg set Change the join message
/joinmsg test Test the join message by sending it here and now as if you just joined the server
/kick Kick the specified user
/language Allow you to change the language I use for all my commands
/leaderboard Give you this server's XP leaderboard link
/learn Give you useful links to learn different programming languages or technologies
/leave Make me leave my current voice channel
/leavemsg reset Remove the leave message
/leavemsg set Change the leave message
/leavemsg test Test the leave message by sending it here and now as if you just left the server
/md5 Hash the specified text with the MD5 algorithm
/openclassrooms Explain why you should avoid OpenClassrooms courses in general
/pause Pause the currently played music
/ping Display my ping in milliseconds
/play Play a song in a voice channel from any YouTube video
/prefix Change my prefix on the server / DM
/purge Delete the specified amount of messages from the last messages in the current channel
/queue Display what songs are currently in the queue
/random Generate a random number in the given range
/react Make me react to a message
/report Allow you to submit a report to suggest new features, bugs, or anything that can improve me
/resume Resume the currently paused music
/roleinfo Give you informations about a role
/rolerewards add Add a role to the role rewards
/rolerewards list List the currently available role rewards
/rolerewards remove Remove a role from the role rewards
/rot13 Encode your text with ROT13 (shift of 13 letters in the alphabet)
/rule add Add a rule to the server
/rule count Tell you how many rules are currently registered in the server
/rule get Display a rule
/rule remove Remove a rule from the server
/run Execute your code in any given programming language and give you the output
/rustdoc Allow you to search through Rust's documentation and get the results
/say Make me say something
/scale get Display the current scale factor of the XP system
/scale set Change the scale factor of the XP system
/serveravatar Display the image used for the server avatar
/serverinfo Give you informations about this server
/skip Stop the current song being played and go to the next one in the queue
/stop Stop the current song being played and clear the whole queue
/userinfo Give you informations about a user
/xp background reset Remove the custom background from your XP card
/xp background set Allow you to change the custom background of your XP card
/xp channel get Allow you to know in what channel are currently sent the level up messages
/xp channel reset Remove the fixed channel for level up messages and restore the default behavior
/xp channel set Allow you to change the fixed channel for level up messages
/xp color reset Reset the color of your XP card to the default
/xp color set Allow you to change the color of your XP card
/xp disable Disable the XP system
/xp enable Enable the XP system
/xp get Display the XP card of a user
/xp import Import the level from MEE6's XP system
/xp message reset Reset the level up message to the default
/xp message set Change the level up message
/xp reset all Reset all the levels in the server
/xp reset user Reset the level of a member in the server

More Information on Kirino

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