Klee icon

Klee icon

Klee Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Klee Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Klee when the help command is sent to a channel:
Klee avatar
Klee BOT today at 4:20 PM

Type k!myprefix for this server's prefix.
Type k!setprefix to change the prefix for this server.

flipping Emoji Adventure Games

[flip](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!flip [amount] [h/t]

Flips a coin and make a bet with Mora!") [roll](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!roll [times (optional)]

Rolls for a unit to add into your collection!") [slots](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!slots [amount]

Gamble on the Slot Machine with your Mora!")

Attack Emoji Adventure RPG

[upgrade](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!upgrade [Times (Optional)]

Upgrades your stats with 3,000 Mora! Random of 100 to 250 HP or 10 to 25 ATK. Use all to use up all your Mora.") [boss](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!boss

Spend 20 Resins to start a boss fight! Has a minute cooldown.") [hunt](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!hunt [times (optional)]

Spend 20 Resins to go on a treasure hunt!
Command Aliases: h") [daily](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!daily

Claim your daily chest! Resets on 12a.m. GMT+8 everyday!
Command Aliases: d") [globallb](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!glb

Shows the Global Leaderboard for Travelers!") [inventory](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!inv

Displays your units' inventory!")

rainbowStar Emoji Fun

[hug](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!hug [mention]

Hugs someone in the server.") [kiss](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!kiss [mention]

Kisses someone in the server.") [slap](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!slap [mention]

Slaps someone in the server.") [poke](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!poke [mention]

Pokes someone in the server.") [pat](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!pat [mention]

Pats someone in the server.") [bite](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!bite [mention]

Bites someone in the server.") [lick](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!lick [mention]

Licks someone in the server.")

📒 Adventure Profile

[vote](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!vote

Vote for Klee and get a bonus reward! Has a cooldown of 12 hours.") [referral](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!referral [code (optional)]

Check your referral status or use a referral code!") [advhelp](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!advinfo

Shows information about Genshin Impact Discord RPG!") [profile](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!p

Shows your adventurer profile or someone else's!") [create](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!create

Creates an Adventurer Profile with Klee!")

bombombakudan Emoji Patreon Gifts

[gem](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!gem

Claims your Patreon-exclusive daily gems! Only for Tier 1 Patreon Supporters. Resets on 12a.m. GMT+8 everyday!") [bag](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!bag

Claims your Patreon-exclusive daily gems! Only for Tier 2 Patreon Supporters. Resets on 12a.m. GMT+8 everyday!") [chest](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!chest

Claims your Patreon-exclusive daily gems! Only for Tier 3 Patreon Supporters. Resets on 12a.m. GMT+8 everyday!")

🔖 Information

[patreon](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!patreon

Support Klee-chan's development by donating or supporting our Patreon!") [invite](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!invite

So that you can get the Invite Link to invite Klee into your server!") [character](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!character [Character Name]

Search the details of a Character and Constellations in Genshin Impact.
Command Aliases: c") [artifact](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!artifact

Search the details of an Artifact in Genshin Impact.
Command Aliases: a") [weapon](https://klee-chan.github.io/#commands "k!weapon

Search the details of a Weapon in Genshin Impact.
Command Aliases: w")

React for more category help! :: My Server's prefix currently is k!
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Klee by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Klee

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