This message is shown by LFG when the help command is sent to a channel:
LFG BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
List of available commands
#{channel} - 'mention text channel', [0/1] - choose one option, <message> - placeholder for your message lfg setup - make this channel an lfg channel. Bot will only create event in lfg channels. lfg ignore <message> - add message to the lfg channel. Other messages (ignoring commands) will be deleted immediately from lfg channel. lfg moderate [0/1] #{channel} - enable/disable deletion of messages and reactions. lfg start - start survey to create event in an lfg channel. Work only in lfg channels.
To get detailed explanation of any command, write help with the name of a command. For example: `lfg help start`
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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of LFG by visiting their support server or their website: