Luxury Music Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/botinfo |
Shows Bot's Information. |
/disconnect |
Disconnects The Bot From A Voice Channel. |
/help |
Shows Help Message. |
/join |
Connects The Bot To A Voice Channel. |
/loop |
Loops The Current Playing Song. |
/loopqueue |
Loops The Whole Queue. |
/lyrics |
Shows Lyrics Of A Song. |
/nowplaying |
Shows The Current Playing Song. |
/pause |
Pauses The Current Playing Song. |
/ping |
Shows Bot's Latency. |
/play |
Plays Music From A Given Name/URL. |
/prefix |
Shows/Changes The Bot Prefix. |
/queue |
Shows The Music Queue. |
/radio start |
Starts The Radio. |
/radio stop |
Stops The Radio. |
/remove |
Removes A Song From The Queue. |
/resume |
Resumes A Paused Song. |
/seek |
Jumps To Any Timestamp. |
/shuffle |
Shuffles The Music Queue. |
/skip |
Skips The Current Playing Song. |
/skipto |
Skips To A Given Song Index. |
/stop |
Stops The Music And Clears The Queue. |
/uptime |
Shows Bot's Uptime. |
/volume |
Changes The Player's Volume. |
/voteskip |
Skips A Song If Enough Users Vote. |
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,820,000 Servers
9,000,000 Servers