Clears Queue And Disconnects The Bot From Voice Channel
Connects The Bot To A Voice Channel
Loops The Current Playing Music
Loops The Whole Queue
Gives The Lyrics Of The Query
Shows The Current Playing Music
Pauses The Playing Music
Plays Music With The Given Name or URL (Supports YT Playlist URL)
Shows The Music Queue
Plays Random Music From YouTube 24/7
Removes A Music From The Queue
Resumes The Paused Music
Jumps To Any Given Timestamp
Skips The Current Playing Music
Clears Queue And Stops Playing Music
Changes The Volume Of The Current Playing Music
Skips The Current Playing Music If Enough Users Vote
Shows The Bot's Information
Shows This Help Message
Shows The Bot's Latency In Milliseconds
Shows And Changes Bot's Server Prefix
Shows The Bot's Uptime
/radio start
/radio stop
15,000,000 Servers
11,600,000 Servers
9,980,000 Servers
9,950,000 Servers
8,980,000 Servers