Melody Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 37 slash commands for Melody Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/about |
Information about Melody. |
/avatar |
Gets the avatar of the mentioned user or your own |
/bass |
Adjust bass level |
/clear |
Clears the server queue |
/cookie |
Send a cookie to the mentioned user |
/dbdstats get basic |
Get the basic stats of a user |
/dbdstats get killer |
Get the killer stats of the user |
/dbdstats get survivor |
Get the survivor stats of the user |
/grab |
Grabs the current playing song in you Direct Messages |
/help |
Basic usage information of the bot |
/history |
View songs history |
/hug |
Hug the mentioned person |
/invite |
To add/invite the bot to your server. |
/join |
Join a voice channel |
/kiss |
Kiss the mentioned person |
/leave |
Disconnecting the bot voice channel |
/loop |
Loop the current song |
/loopqueue |
Loop the whole queue |
/lyrics |
Search lyrics for any song |
/mcskin |
Get a Minecraft player's skin |
/nowplaying |
See what song is currently playing |
/pause |
Pauses the music |
/ping |
To check bot availability and response latency of the bot |
/play |
Play your favorite songs/playlists |
/prefix |
Change server prefix |
/queue |
View song queue |
/remove |
Remove a song from the queue |
/resume |
Resumes the music |
/say |
To say some message |
/search |
Search a song/playlist |
/seek |
Seek to a position in the song |
/shuffle |
Shuffles the queue |
/skip |
Skip the current song |
/skipto |
Skip to a song in the queue |
/volume |
Changes the Volume |
/vote |
To add/invite the bot to your server. |
/zerotwo |
Sends a picture of Zero Two |
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