This message is shown by MemberList when the help command is sent to a channel:
MemberList BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
<> = required [] = optional | = or
ML!help [command]
help page or more info on command (ie ML!help role)
ML!server [txt|csv] [-flags]
list all members in the server (ie ML!server csv -id -nick)
ML!role <role> [txt|csv] [-flags]
list all members in role (ie ML!role @helpers txt)
ML!roles <role1> <role2> [txt|csv] [-flags]
list only members in both roles (ie ML!roles @helpers @spammers -mentionk)
ML!channel <channel> [txt|csv] [-flags]
list all members in channel (ie ML!channel #general csv -all)
ML!voice <voicechannel> [txt|csv] [-flags]
list all members in voicechannel (ie ML!voice singing -dm)
ML!bots [role|channel] [txt|csv] [-flags]
list all bots in the server or role/channel if provided (ie ML!bots @general csv -id -display -joined -toprole -dm)
ML!banned [txt|csv] [-flags]
list all users banned from server and reason why. Uses unique flag -reason by default. Server specific flags will not work on banned users (like -nick) (ie ML!banned csv)
ML!count [role|channel]
number of members in the server or role/channel if provided (ie ML!count)
ML!adminrole <role1> [role2] [role3]...
restrict commands to a role (ie ML!adminrole @helpers @leaders)