This message is shown by mt™ when the help command is sent to a channel:
MT™ BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
MT help
mt help: This message mt optin: Opt in to collection mt privacy: Privacy information. No legalese, I promise! mt udata: Sends your user chain in a DM mt how: How markov works mt gen: Generate out of the global chain mt genuser [user*]: Generate out of a user chain. Leaving [user] empty uses your own mt optout: Opts you out mt delchain: Deletes your user chain. NOTE THAT YOUR PART IN THE GLOBAL CHAIN CANNOT BE REMOVED mt chbl [s/u]: Blacklist a channel for yourself or any opted in user in the server (s=server, u=user) mt invite: Invite URL mt ping: pong! mt prefix [prefix]: Set a prefix. Requires Manage Server permission mt stats: Statistics mt setn: set my nick as something generated mt connect: connect to a voice channel mt saygen: say something generated using TTS mt saygenuser [user*]: say something generated as a user using TTS mt disconnect: disconnect from a voice channel [argument*] is optional
DM usage is not supported!!
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of mt™ by visiting their support server or their website: