This message is shown by MuteAll when the help command is sent to a channel:
MuteAll BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
latency of the bot
`.changeprefix <your prefix here>`
change the prefix for your server (only admin can use this!)
view prefix for your server
Invite link
`.mute` / `.m`
Mute humans and un-mute bots in your current voice channel.
`.unmute` / `.u`
Un-mute humans and mute bots in your current voice channel.
`.deafen` / `.d`
Deafen everyone in your current voice channel.
`.undeafen` / `.ud`
Un-deafen everyone in your current voice channel.
`.undeafenme` / `.udme`
Un-deafen only yourself.
`.all` / `.a`
Mute and Deafen everyone in your current voice channel.
`.unall` / `.ua`
Un-mute and Un-deafen everyone in your current voice channel.
`.start` / `.s`
[BETA] React with emojies to mute or unmute, no need to type anymore!
`.end` / `.e`
End the game, un-mute and un-deafen everyone (including bots)
`.tanner` / `.t`
Add a new role to the game! The bot randomly selects a user in the voice channel to be the secret tanner. The tanner can only win if people vote them off (and everyone else loses).
`.minion` / `.min`
Add a new role to the game! The bot randomly selects a user in the voice channel to be the secret minion. The minion is like another impostor but can not kill or sabotage, they will try to keep the sus away from the impostors and they will if the impostors win.