Nayuta icon

Nayuta icon

Nayuta Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Nayuta Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Nayuta when the help command is sent to a channel:
Nayuta avatar
Nayuta BOT today at 4:20 PM

mmmok Emoji ¡La información que solicitastes ha sido enviada! Revisa tus mensajes privados ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Nayuta will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Nayuta avatar
Nayuta BOT today at 4:20 PM

Nayuta Emoji ¡Hola! Me llamo Nayuta. Actualmente mi prefix es ny! y tengo 193 comandos disponible para uso.

Anime [19]

anime animememe animenow animerandomh character foxgirl hanime kawaii kemonomimi manga neko nekogif nexepisode nextanime randomavatar ratewaifu seiyuu waifu wallpaper

Configuración [12]

disableanimenotif setanimenotif setmute setprefix nonxpchannels unwatch userxpreset watch xpdisable xpenable xpresetall xptoggle

Diversión [27]

8ball aves calculadora chika-dance comida comment consejo emojify kemonomimi f flip fortuna hee invert lagarto meme muerto niconico perro pokemon rate reversetext rps ship tictac trapo triggered valiste

Economía [22]

bal bank beg bet buy creditslb daily deleteitem deposit find game gift inventory market previewitem register rep sell transfer use withdraw

Información [10]

help invite reportbug support info infobot nodmhelp servers vote web donar

Interacción [13]

feed poke slap smug baka cuddle hi hug kiss lick pat punch tickle

Moderación [14]

addemoji ban channelmute clear kick mute nuke resetchannel resetroles softban softlockdown softmute unban unmute

Música [15]

leave loop lyrics nowplaying pause play playlist queue resume search shuffle skip skipto stop volume

Perfil [6]

leaderboard profile rep setbio setbirthday setcolor

Reacción [33]

angry bath blush boom bored confused cry cuddle dance disgust drive facepalm fbi feed fly haha hands happy jump like no pose run sharingan shrug sleep sword te teleport wasted wave wink yandere

Útil [32]

avatar clima color discordping emojilist github jumbo listrole mcprofile members osu ping playstore reddit serveravatar serverinfo steam userinfo


🔗 Twitter | web Emoji Página web | invite Emoji Invite | server Emoji Server

Lista de comandos actuales de Nayuta. | Bot desarrollado por Mau#9999
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Nayuta by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

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