Not Kohai icon

Not Kohai icon

Not Kohai Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 12 bot commands and 1 slash commands for Not Kohai Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Not Kohai when the help command is sent to a channel:
Not Kohai avatar
Not Kohai BOT today at 4:20 PM

What kind of person makes a bot about penis? Me apparently. Below you will find a list of commands and things this bot does, do pp!help <commandName> for a more detailed explanation of a command.

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🍆 PP Economy Commands

pp!bal pp!beg pp!slots pp!fish pp!hunt pp!raid pp!mine pp!lb pp!shop pp!bet pp!stats pp!profile pp!pay pp!payk pp!rep pp!daily pp!pbet pp!marry pp!roulette pp!abilities pp!quotes pp!pray pp!kbet pp!craft pp!jackpot pp!loan <amount> <rate> @user pp!loans pp!petinfo pp!payi pp!items pp!ibet pp!sbet pp!payks

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Interaction Commands

pp!kiss pp!hug pp!lick pp!spank pp!bite pp!pat pp!slap pp!choke pp!feed pp!anger pp!punch pp!shave pp!smash

🤽 Fun / Random

pp!noods pp!love pp!fight pp!roll pp!flip pp!fanfic pp!8ball pp!fakebal pp!cat pp!pokepun pp!kms pp!nick pp!ship pp!size pp!divorce pp!pets pp!petlist pp!sex

🛑 Moderation

pp!kick pp!ban pp!raidmode

🛠️ Utility Commands

pp!help pp!about pp!ping pp!avatar pp!server pp!invite pp!suggest pp!credits pp!boost pp!events pp!shards pp!progress pp!rules pp!vote

94 Commands - Bot v3.2
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Not Kohai by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
pp!raid -
pp!r -
pp!beg -
pp!b -
pp!fish -
pp!f -
pp!hunt -
pp!h -
pp!mine -
pp!m -
pp!shop -
pp!help -
Command Description
/raid Raid for a large gold reward!

More Information on Not Kohai

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