Nyaa-Bot icon

Nyaa-Bot icon


0 reviews | 224 servers
Default Prefix: +
Command Description
+mobilespoiler -
+neko -
+baka -
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting Nyaa-Bot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Nyaa Chan avatar
Nyaa Chan BOT today at 4:20 PM

Nyaa Chan commands:

+baka - call someone a baka
+cat - shows a random cat
+cuddle - cuddle with someone
+dog - shows a random dog
+8ball - ask the 8ball a question
+fact - shows a random fact
+feed - feed someone
+foxgirl - shows a random fox girl
+holo - shows a random pic of best fox girl
+hug - give someone a hug
+kemonomimi - shows a random of a kemonomimi
+kiss - give someone a kiss
+neko - shows a random cat girl pic
+nekogif - shows a random cat girl gif
+owo - owo your text
+pat - give someone a pat
+poke - give someone a poke
+slap - give someone a slap
+smug - give someone a smug look
+tickle - tickle someone
+waifu - shows a randomly generated waifu
+wallpaper - shows a random wallpaper
+why - do you ever wonder why?
+kick <user> - no help available
+send <Channel> <Message> - send a message
+au - Generate a random Oso AU
+nonsense - We have gone 0 days without any nonsense
+nyaa - nyaaaaa
+teru <num for length of hair> - Spawns some nice hair (Mob Psycho 100 reference) <!!!Spam warning!!!>
+anime <anime title> - Show Anime information from mal
+manga <manga title> - Show manga information from mal
+mal <mal username> - Show mal profile
+recommend <anime> - recommend base on anime
+search <anime name> - Search for a anime
+edit - edit an embed
+ping - Get the latency of the Bot
+report <message> - Anonymously submit feedback and reports to the owner
+avatar Optional <@User> - Get your avatar link
+simpleembed - Create a Embed
+mobilespoiler - Send image under spoiler tag (for mobile people)
+spoil - Be annoying with spoil text
+useemote <emoteName> - use an animated emote or any emotes from any server Nyaa is in
+useemotespam <# of times (Max 50)> <emoteName> - use an animated emote or any emotes from any server Nyaa is in
+time Type in +time help for a list of additional time zone - Get time in PDT US, FRance, and SEA and optional 4th time

Bot Status

Nyaa-Bot's current status is online
Last checked (2023-11-03 01:20:03 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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