OcelotBOT Commands
Currently we have 0 bot commands and 99 slash commands for Ocelot Discord bot.
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/1984 |
1984 Meme |
/8ball |
Magic 8-ball |
/advice |
Wise Advice |
/ai |
Artificial Intelligence |
/apex |
Apex Stats |
/b |
B-ify |
/bandname |
Band Name Generator |
/barcode |
Barcode Generator |
/bernie |
Bernie Meme |
/brazzers |
Brazzers |
/calc |
Calculator |
/changemymind |
Change My Mind Meme |
/chess |
Chess |
/chinese |
Chinese Text |
/clap |
Clap Text |
/colour |
Colour Code |
/commandcount |
Command Count |
/compliment |
Compliment |
/crop |
Crop Image |
/crush |
Crush |
/define |
Dictionary Lookup |
/defineud |
Urban Dictionary |
/dictator |
Dictator Meme |
/edgy |
Edgy Text |
/emoji |
Emoji Search |
/error |
Error Message Generator |
/esteal |
Steal Emoji |
/expand |
Expand |
/eyes |
Red Eyes |
/face |
Face Recognition |
/feedback |
Leave Feedback |
/firetext |
Fire Text Generator |
/flip |
Coin Flip |
/fortnite |
Fortnite Stats |
/friendship |
Friendship ended with |
/halloween |
Halloween Countdown |
/handicap |
Handicapped Meme |
/help |
Help Command |
/horny |
Horny License |
/icetext |
Ice Text Generator |
/identify |
Identify Image |
/image |
Google Image Search |
/imagemacro |
Image Macro |
/inspiration |
Inspriational Quote |
/insult |
Insult Generator |
/invite |
Bot Invite Link |
/ipinfo |
IP Info |
/jesus |
Jesus Meme |
/lang |
Available Languages |
/lewd |
Random Lewd Image |
/lisa |
Lisa Meme |
/lovetext |
Love Text Generator |
/mafia |
Mafia Boss |
/monochrome |
Monochrome Image |
/neko |
Random Neko Image |
/newnick |
New Nickname Generator |
/noviews |
Random 0 views Twitch stream |
/numberfact |
Number Fact |
/ocr |
/opinion |
Opinion on |
/opinions |
Strong Opinions Meme |
/overlay |
Overlay Images |
/pet |
Pet Pet |
/ping |
Ping Address |
/pinocchio |
Pinocchio Meme |
/pornsuggest |
Porn Suggest |
/potter |
Harry Potter Text Generator |
/premium |
Ocelot Premium |
/rainbow |
Rainbow Image |
/rate |
Rate |
/reddit |
Reddit Browser |
/ronald |
Ronald Says |
/rule34 |
Rule34 Search |
/sexydice |
Sexy Dice |
/shake |
Shake Image |
/shorten |
Shorten URL |
/shy |
Shy Meme |
/snapcode |
Snapcode Generator |
/society |
We live in a society meme |
/spell |
Spell with Reactions |
/spoiler |
Spoilerise Text |
/spongebob |
Spongebob |
/stats |
Stats |
/suggest |
Suggest a command |
/swirl |
Swirl Image |
/tictactoe |
Tic Tac Toe |
/time |
Time |
/toxicity |
Toxicity Checker |
/tradeoffer |
Trade Offer |
/trumptweet |
Trump Tweet |
/unshorten |
Unshorten URL |
/user |
User Info |
/userstats |
User Stats |
/vote |
Vote For OcelotBOT |
/weather |
Weather |
/wiki |
Wikipedia Search |
/wouldyourather |
Would You Rather? |
/xmas |
Christmas Countdown |
/yea |
Yea Meme |
14,900,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,100,000 Servers
9,780,000 Servers
9,030,000 Servers