stats - Displays all the playtime stats for you or the mentioned user
Usage: !!stats , !!stats number day/hour
weekly - A graph displaying how much you play each day of the week
Usage: !!weekly , !!weekly total, !!weekly server
longest - Fetches the longest sessions for you or the mentioned user
Usage: !!longest , !!longest @someone, !!longest server
history - Generates a timeline of gaming sessions for you or the mentioned user
Usage: !!history , !!history @someone, !!history server
ghistory - Generates a timeline of gaming sessions for a particular game for all the users in the server
Usage: !!ghistory gameName
thistory - Generates a timeline of total gaming hours for all the users in the server
Usage: !!thistory
today - Playtimes for today, based on discord server region, defaults to GMT
Usage: !!today, !!today @someone
disable - Stops PlayTime from tracking your stats. Will not delete existing stats
Usage: !!disable