Prism Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 73 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Prism Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
p!reason |
- |
p!case |
- |
p!ban |
- |
p!blacklist |
- |
p!forceleave |
- |
p!kick |
- |
p!modlog |
- |
p!purge |
- |
p!ascii |
- |
p!cat |
- |
p!dice |
- |
p!dog |
- |
p!emoji |
- |
p!rockpaperscissors |
- |
p!urban |
- |
p!avatar |
- |
p!help |
- |
p!invite |
- |
p!ping |
- |
p!shards |
- |
p!stats |
- |
p!support |
- |
p!upvote |
- |
p!userinfo |
- |
p!ajit |
- |
p!alberto |
- |
p!damnyou |
- |
p!deku |
- |
p!disabled |
- |
p!door |
- |
p!ff |
- |
p!frame |
- |
p!gaben |
- |
p!gas |
- |
p!gay |
- |
p!gimp |
- |
p!hagrid |
- |
p!hitler |
- |
p!homie |
- |
p!icarly |
- |
p!jojo |
- |
p!linus |
- |
p!logan |
- |
p!odyssey |
- |
p!paint |
- |
p!perry |
- |
p!phone |
- |
p!plane |
- |
p!powerpoint |
- |
p!proof |
- |
p!reggie |
- |
p!religion |
- |
p!science |
- |
p!sex |
- |
p!shit |
- |
p!squidward |
- |
p!starman |
- |
p!switch |
- |
p!trumptweet |
- |
p!tv |
- |
p!upnext |
- |
p!vietnam |
- |
p!vr |
- |
p!what |
- |
p!who |
- |
p!yomomma |
- |
p!zuck |
- |
p!log |
- |
p!m |
- |
p!music |
- |
p!autorole |
- |
p!prefix |
- |
p!tag |
- |
Command | Description |
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,860,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers