PUBG Companion icon

PUBG Companion icon

PUBG Companion Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for PUBG Companion Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by PUBG Companion when the help command is sent to a channel:
PUBG Companion avatar
PUBG Companion BOT today at 4:20 PM
PUBG Companion's Commands Directory

Execute commands by sending a message in this format: p!<command name> [arguments]
To view help for a specific command do p!help [command]

pubg Emoji PUBG Commands

compare - Compares the lifetime stats of two PUBG players of your choice.
match - Retrieves and shows match data (up to last 10 played matches) for specified player
player - Shows the lifetime stats of a PUBG player of your choice.
profile - Shows the discord profile of a user with pubg name and platform.
role - Sorts you to a pubg role based on your highest rating across all gamemodes
save - Saves and links your discord account to your specified pubg player name and platform
season - Shows the current season stats of a PUBG player of your choice.

🎉 Fun Commands

drop - Where are we droppin' boys? The bot gives you a random place to drop.
strat - Generates a stupid strat for your PUBG game.
winner - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Generates an image for your win.

botTag Emoji User Commands

donate - Displays donation links to support the development of PUBG Companion
help - Displays a list of commands. To view help for a specific command do p!help [command]. To view another group do p!help [group]. Avaliable groups: user, pubg, fun, moderator
info - Gets information about a specific user or the current server
invite - Provides information about inviting PUBG Companion to a server
ping - Returns the ping to the channel
stats - Provides global statistics about PUBG Companion
support - Gets a link to my support hub/server
updates - Retrieves infomation about PUBG Companion's latest update from her support hub
upvote - Displays link to bot's discordbots webpage for you to click the big VOTE button and give PUBG companion some love

stafftools Emoji Mod Commands

announce - Makes an announcement to the specified channel

staff Emoji Admin Commands

config - Shows the various settings and configuration of this server.
role-config - Modifies the rating configuration of a pubg role.
setup - Starts interactive server setup tool to setup roles system, custom backgrounds and change bot settings

Currently showing all commands. To view another group do p!help [group / command]. Avaliable groups: user, pubg, fun, moderation, admin
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of PUBG Companion by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on PUBG Companion

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