Raid-Helper Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 15 slash commands for Raid-Helper Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
!vote |
- |
Command | Description |
/add |
Add a member to an event. |
/close |
Close an event. This will prevent further Sign-Ups on this event. |
/embed |
Create an embed message. |
/item |
Search for a TBC or Classic WoW item! |
/move |
Move an event to this channel. |
/open |
Open an event. This will allow further Sign-Ups on this event. |
/overview |
Show all your upcoming events or the upcoming events on this server. |
/print |
Print all existing events or a specific event to a CSV file. |
/reactionrole buttons |
Roles will be given when a user clicks a button on the message. |
/reactionrole dropdown |
Roles will be given when a user selects from a dropdown menu. |
/reactionrole reactions |
Roles will be given when a user reacts to the message. |
/reminders |
(Premium) Receive reminders for events. Does not retroactively apply to already signed events. |
/remove |
Remove a member from an event. |
/roll |
Roll the dice! |
/timer |
Create a channel timer on your server. |
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9,030,000 Servers