Randibooru icon

Randibooru icon


0 reviews | 562 servers
Default Prefix: !rb
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

As soon as you invite Randibooru to your channel, it will send the following message:
Randibooru avatar
Randibooru BOT today at 4:20 PM
GitHub - BytewaveMLP/Randibooru.js: A Node.js port of Randibooru

A Node.js port of Randibooru. Contribute to BytewaveMLP/Randibooru.js development by creating an account on GitHub.

Hey there, I'm Randibooru! I fetch random images from Derpibooru (https://derpibooru.org), the MLP image booru, for your enjoyment.

If you need help getting me to work, try using the !rbhelp command. From there, you can see a list of all the commands I have available.

GitHub repository (licensed under the MPL v2.0)

Support server (send feature requests and bug reports here!)


A Node.js port of Randibooru. Contribute to BytewaveMLP/Randibooru.js development by creating an account on GitHub.

When inviting Randibooru to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Randibooru avatar
Randibooru BOT today at 4:20 PM

To run a command in My Server, use !rb command or @Randibooru#9819 command. For example, !rb prefix or @Randibooru#9819 prefix.
To run a command in this DM, simply use command with no prefix.

Use help <command> to view detailed information about a specific command.
Use help all to view a list of all commands, not just available ones.

Available commands in My Server

first: Gets the first image uploaded to Derpibooru matching the given query.
latest: Gets the latest image uploaded to Derpibooru matching the given query.
random: Gets a random image from Derpibooru matching the given query.
reverse: Runs a reverse image search an image or link
top: Gets the top-scoring image from Derpibooru matching the given query.
wilson: Gets the image with the highest Wilson score from Derpibooru matching the given query.

block: Block a user from using Randibooru in the current server.
filter: Set Randibooru's Derpibooru filters.
resolution: Set Randibooru's preferred resolution for image embeds.
unblock: Unblock a user from using Randibooru in the current server.

groups: Lists all command groups.
enable: Enables a command or command group.
disable: Disables a command or command group.
deletthis: Delete the most recent message sent by the bot, in case it was really bad.
info: Gets basic info about the bot.
invite: Displays a link to invite the bot to your own Discord server.

help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
ping: Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server.

Bot Status

Randibooru's current status is online
Last checked (2025-03-24 06:05:15 UTC)

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