This message is shown by Raphtalia when the help command is sent to a channel:
Raphtalia BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Information: (View all kind of Informations) r!help: »View the Bothelp r!ping: »View the Ping of all Shards r!info: »Get Informations about Raphtalia
Managment: r!module: »Manage the different Modules Permission:Administrator r!config: »Manage different Settings for the Guild Permission:Administrator
Fun: r!meme: »View a random Meme of a random subreddit r!slap: »Slap another User! r!hug: »Hug somebody else r!kiss: »Give someone a kiss
NSFW: (Only in NSFW Channel) (requires NSFW Content Module) r!nudes: »Receive a random nude picture r!realbondage: »Get a random bondage video or picture r!realThighs: »Get a random picture of Thigh Highs r!hentai: »Get a random picture or video of a hentai r!bondage: »Get a random bondage hentai video or picture r!thighs: »Get a random image of thighs
No Category: r!suggest: »Suggest a new Feature r!wallpaper: »Get a random Wallpaper (Supports NSFW)
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Raphtalia by visiting their support server or their website: