Ree6 Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 47 slash commands for Ree6 Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/8ball |
Let the Magic 8Ball answer your Question! |
/ban |
Ban the User from the Server! |
/chatprotector |
Manage the Chat Filter! |
/clear |
Clear the Chat! |
/clearqueue |
Clear every Song in the queue! |
/credits |
See the Team behind Ree6! |
/cringe |
Tell someone that his message is CRINGE |
/disconnect |
Disconnect the Bot! |
/dogecoin |
Shows you the pricing of DogeCoins |
/funfact |
Just some random Facts! |
/help |
Shows a list of every Command! |
/hornyjail |
Put someone in the Hornyjail! |
/hug |
Slap someone you like! |
/info |
Shows you Informations about a User. |
/invite |
Get a Invite Link for Ree6! |
/kick |
Kick the User from the Server! |
/kiss |
Kiss someone |
/leaderboard |
Shows you the Rank Leaderboard |
/level |
Shows the Level of a User! |
/loop |
Loop a song! |
/mute |
Mute a User on the Server! |
/nsfw |
Get NSFW Images from |
/pause |
Pause a song! |
/ping |
Pong! |
/play |
Play a song! |
/rainbow |
Search for Rainbow Mates across Server! |
/randomcat |
Shows you a Random Cat Picture! |
/randomdog |
Shows you a Random Dog Picture! |
/randommeme |
Shows you a Random Meme Picture! |
/resume |
Resume a stopped Song! |
/server |
Shows you Informations about your Server! |
/setup |
Setup the Welcome and Log Channel! |
/shuffle |
Shuffle your playlist! |
/skip |
Skip a song! |
/slap |
Slap someone in the face! |
/songinfo |
Get the currently playing Track! |
/songlist |
Shows you every Song in the Queue! |
/stats |
Show some BotStats! |
/stop |
Stop the song! |
/support |
Get a Invite Link to the Support Server! |
/twitch |
Manage your Twitchnotifier! |
/twitter |
Let the Mentioned User Tweet something! |
/unban |
Unban a User from the Server! |
/unmute |
Unmute a User on the Server! |
/volume |
Set the Volume! |
/waifu |
Gives you a Random Waifu! |
/webinterface |
Get your AccesLink to the Webinterface |
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