Ree6 icon

Ree6 icon

Ree6 Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 47 slash commands for Ree6 Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Ree6 when the help command is sent to a channel:
Ree6 avatar
Ree6 BOT today at 4:20 PM
Command Index

ree!help info


ree!help mod


ree!help music


ree!help fun


ree!help level


ree!help community


ree!help nsfw

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Ree6 by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball Let the Magic 8Ball answer your Question!
/ban Ban the User from the Server!
/chatprotector Manage the Chat Filter!
/clear Clear the Chat!
/clearqueue Clear every Song in the queue!
/credits See the Team behind Ree6!
/cringe Tell someone that his message is CRINGE
/disconnect Disconnect the Bot!
/dogecoin Shows you the pricing of DogeCoins
/funfact Just some random Facts!
/help Shows a list of every Command!
/hornyjail Put someone in the Hornyjail!
/hug Slap someone you like!
/info Shows you Informations about a User.
/invite Get a Invite Link for Ree6!
/kick Kick the User from the Server!
/kiss Kiss someone
/leaderboard Shows you the Rank Leaderboard
/level Shows the Level of a User!
/loop Loop a song!
/mute Mute a User on the Server!
/nsfw Get NSFW Images from
/pause Pause a song!
/ping Pong!
/play Play a song!
/rainbow Search for Rainbow Mates across Server!
/randomcat Shows you a Random Cat Picture!
/randomdog Shows you a Random Dog Picture!
/randommeme Shows you a Random Meme Picture!
/resume Resume a stopped Song!
/server Shows you Informations about your Server!
/setup Setup the Welcome and Log Channel!
/shuffle Shuffle your playlist!
/skip Skip a song!
/slap Slap someone in the face!
/songinfo Get the currently playing Track!
/songlist Shows you every Song in the Queue!
/stats Show some BotStats!
/stop Stop the song!
/support Get a Invite Link to the Support Server!
/twitch Manage your Twitchnotifier!
/twitter Let the Mentioned User Tweet something!
/unban Unban a User from the Server!
/unmute Unmute a User on the Server!
/volume Set the Volume!
/waifu Gives you a Random Waifu!
/webinterface Get your AccesLink to the Webinterface

More Information on Ree6

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