Revan icon

Revan icon

Revan Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 55 slash commands for Revan Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Revan when the help command is sent to a channel:
Revan avatar
Revan BOT today at 4:20 PM
HelpPanel Emoji Help Panel

Mod Emoji


Utility Emoji


Fun Emoji


Configuration Emoji


Ticket Emoji


Tada Emoji

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Revan by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball This command gives you a random answer to your question.
/afk Puts you in afk mode.
/avatar This command shows a member's avatar.
/ban This command can ban a member.
/bot This command shows information about the bot.
/case This command shows information about a specific case.
/cat Shows a picture of a cat
/close Reply to a modmail message.
/deletepunishments This command deletes all punishments from the user.
/dog Shows a picture of a dog
/echo This command will echo your message.
/eval Evaluate Javascript code.
/gcreate Creates a giveaway
/gend Ends a giveaway
/help This command shows you the bot's commands.
/invite Gives you the invite link for the bot.
/kick This command can kick a member.
/lock This command can down a channel.
/lockdown This command can lock the server.
/modnick Give someone a nickname like `Modnicked 1234`
/mute This command can mute a member.
/nickname This command will either change someones nickname or reset it.
/ping This command shows the bot's API Ping, message latency and uptime.
/prefix This command allows you to view or set a prefix.
/punishments This command shows someones punishments.
/purge Delete a certain amount of messages.
/reacache This command will recache the bot.
/removepunishment This command removes a specific punishment.
/reply Reply to a modmail message.
/resetconfig This command resets the config for the current server (Except the prefix).
/role Gives or removes a role from someone.
/searchstaff This command shows moderation actions of a user.
/server Shows info about the current server.
/setjoinchannel This command sets the joinchannel to welcome people in.
/setjoinmessage This command sets the join message to welcome people with.
/setjoinrole This command sets the joinrole which will be applied to everyone who joins.
/setloggingchannel This command sets the logging channel to welcome people in.
/setmodlog This command sets the modlog to use with moderation commands.
/setmodmailcategory This command sets the modmail category where new mails will be sent.
/setmuterole This command sets the muterole to use with the mute and unmute commands.
/setticketcategory This command sets the ticket category where new tickets will be created.
/simprate This command tells you how much of a simp you are.
/slowmode Sets or checks the slowmode of a channel.
/snipe Snipe a deleted message.
/status Sets the bot's status.
/stop This command will stop the bot.
/ticket This command creates a new ticket.
/togglestatus Toggles the moving status
/unban This command can unban a member.
/unlock This command can lift a lockdown of a channel.
/unlockdown This command can unlock the server.
/unmute This command can unmute a unmember.
/user This command shows info about a member.
/vote Shows you some links to vote for the bot with.
/warn This command can warn a member.

More Information on Revan

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