When inviting Role Persistence to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Role Persistence BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Role Persistence commands:
@Role Persistence log <#channel OR disable> - Change or disable logger channel. @Role Persistence welcome-back <#channel OR disable> - Change or disable welcome-back channel. @Role Persistence roles - Get roles status of the current server. @Role Persistence lock <@role OR roleId> - Prevent the role from being rollback. @Role Persistence ping - Get bot ping. @Role Persistence unlock <@role OR roleId> - Allows the role to be rollback. By default, all the roles are unlock except admin roles.
For additional help, contact Spooker#0001
Bot Status
Role Persistence's current status is online
Last checked (2025-03-17 03:00:04 UTC)
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