❓ Help Royal Bot is a powerful Discord bot which offers many features such as Moderation, invite tracking, giveaways, music, roleplay, economy and more.
Support Server - Invite Me - Vote Me
Settings leavechannel ([channel/id])
, leavemessage ([message])
, joinchannel ([channel/id])
, joinmessage ([message])
, leaderboard
, invites ([user])
, invitecodes
, support
, cleardata
, bug ([message])
, syncinvite
Giveaway giveawayhelp
, start [channel/id] [winner] [duration] [price]
, reroll [message'id]
, end [message'id]
🎮 Games balance ([user])
, beg
, daily
, deposit
, ecolb
, pay
, roulette
, slots
, daily
, work
, withdraw
📀 Random ship ([user])
, calc ([amount])
, e
, pi
, random [MIN. NUM] [MAX. NUM]
, remind
, avatar ([user])
, ping
, invite
, info
, user ([user])
, server
, github ([name)]
, google ([name])
, playstore ([game])
, imdb ([movie])
, screenshots
, afk ([reason])
, permissions
, rank ([user])
🎶 Music addrelated
, autoplay
, playlist
, clearqueue
, custom
, forward
, grab
, join ([channel])
, jump
, loop
, lyrics
, moveme
, mycustom
, nowplaying
, pause
, play ([URL])
, playsc
, playskip
, radio
, removetrack
, replay
, resume
, rewind
, search
, searchrelated
, searchsc
, seek
, shuffle
, skip
, status
, stop
, volume ([volume])
, 8d
, bassboost
, clearfilter
, earrape
, echo
, flanger
, gate
, haas
, heavybass
, karaoke
, lightbass
, mcompand
, nightcore
, phaser
, pulsator
, purebass
, reverse
, subboost
, surrounding
, treble
, tremolo
, vaporwave
, vibrato
🔞 NSFW 4k , anal , cumart , cumslut , boobs , ass , blowjob , bondage , femdom , feet , gasm , gif , hanal , hboobs , hentai , hneko , holo , keta , pussy , kitsu , kuni , nude , girlsolo |
🔨 Moderation addrole
, ban
, kick
, clear
, hackban
, lock
, unlock
, mute
, removerole
, resetwarn
, setnickname
, slowmode
, unmute
, voicekick
, warn
, warnings
, poll
🎭 Roleplay kiss
, hug
, kill
, gay
, slap
, die
, pat
, cry
, waifu
, smile
, poke
, feed
, neko
, sad
, baka
, nekogif
, pfp
, wallpapers
, cuddle
, nom
, omg
, pout
, rickroll
, punch
, sleep
, smug
, thanks
, tickle
, jail
, achievement
, love
, triggered
, avatarfusion
, panda
, affect
, rip
, meme
, blush
, 8ball
🎭 Roleplay (NSFW) fuck , blowjob , spank , titties |
📃 Chat-management chatclear [user] [amount]
To view further information on how to use any of the commands, use R.help <command>