Royal Support ✨ Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 3 bot commands and 15 slash commands for Royal Support ✨ Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
!settings |
- |
!commands |
- |
!help |
- |
Command | Description |
/anime |
Send a message of the bots current ping and latency |
/ban |
Bans A Member In The Server |
/botinfo |
Send a message of the bots current ping and latency |
/kick |
Kicks A Member In The Server |
/level-leaderboard |
Sets The Welcome Channel |
/links |
Send a message of the bots current ping and latency |
/meme |
Random meme images! |
/ping |
Send a message of the bots current ping and latency |
/reactionbuilder |
None |
/roleinfo |
See information about a role |
/serverinfo |
serverinfo command |
/setleave |
Sets The leave Channel |
/setwelcome |
Sets The Welcome Channel |
/uptime |
Send a message of the bots current ping and latency |
/userinfo |
See information about a role |
15,100,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
9,970,000 Servers
9,870,000 Servers
9,050,000 Servers