As soon as you invite Ryno to your channel, it will send the following message:
Ryno BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
*I promise it's quick it is just detailed :P*
By default, I can only be used by Server Managers And Above.
Allowing Users
With this section, there are two commands to be mindful of. .allowusers and .togglecommands They are both described down below.
.allowusers - Using this command in any text channel will grant users access to the bot's fundamental part, such as earning coins or merely having fun with the bot's general section, all found in the .help menu.
.togglecommands - This will block/unblock every channel you have allowed the users to use commands while granting Admins, Server Managers, and Mods only to use the bot.
Adding Mods
To add mods to the list of mods, use the .addmod @user command.
Say you don't want a mod to kick/ban/mute people. As long as their roles can't do that, they can't use the commands. This is configured by role permissions in Discord.
Server Logs
Setting up logs for the bot is quite simple and only requires one command. As always, you will be able to configure it later.
.setup logs - Using this command will create all three channels Ryno looks for when server logging. server_logs, voice_logs, and mod_logs. Just like that, everything will now be server logged. ᅠ*NOTE: Do not rename these channels, or logging will not work. You *can edit the channel permissions to how you see fit.
.serverlogs - Using this command, you can control what should and shouldn't be logged.
Giving users different roles lets them have additional access to the bot. DJ - Allows the use of music commands. This can be changed using the .mode command. Event Hoster - Grants access to all the event commands. .help events to see a list of commands.
I hope you enjoy Ryno!
Bot Status
Ryno's current status is online
Last checked (2025-02-18 22:50:04 UTC)
Usage Statistics
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