This message is shown by Salty when the help command is sent to a channel:
Salty BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
__Sea of Thieves Commands:__
/trivia - Sends a random Sea of Thieves trivia question /pirate (name) - Sends your pirate name /image - Sends a random Sea of Thieves image
/value (item) - Sends all of the prices for a specific item /skeletons - Sends a guide for the different skeleton types /events - Sends a guide to the current in-game events /lanterns - Sends a picture guide for the different lantern colors /food - Sends a picture guide for the different foods /fish - Sends a picture guide for the different fish types /controls - Sends a picture guide for the pc controls /discord - Sends an invite to the official SOT discord server /update - Sends a link to the most recent SOT patch notes