Sea of Tales icon

Sea of Tales icon

Sea of Tales Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Sea of Tales Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Sea of Tales when the help command is sent to a channel:
Sea of Tales avatar
Sea of Tales BOT today at 4:20 PM
**__Commands List__**

Here is a list of commands available. For start your adventure, use s!start.

__**Adventure (1)**__

s!launch : Launch the specified travel.
s!sail : Navigate to a specific location.
s!status : All about your current traven and sail.
s!fishing : Try to catch a megalodon... Or... no, just a fish actually...
s!buytravel : Buy a travel from your order.
s!cancel : Cancel an active travel.
s!sellall : Sell all treasures and fishs owned.
s!sellhold : Sell all treasures owned in your ship's hold.
s!sellfish : Sell all fishs in your inventory.
s!islands : Display a list of all the islands and their coordinates.
s!continue : Continue a travel.
s!gressources : Fill the boat with everything you can find interesting on the island.
s!repair : Repair your ship with your storage of planks.
s!heal : Heal your missing heal points.
s!wind : Check the direction of the wind.
s!steersail : Orient the sail in the direction of the wind (incomplete development).
s!event : A megalodon hunt? You wouldn't miss it! View current events!

__**Adventure (2)**__

s!rentcrew : Is your boat difficult to handle? Don't worry, hire a crew for a certain period of time and increase the maneuverability of your boat. Impact the chance of hitting your cannon shots, the rotation time of the sails and increase the chance of critics during a fight.

__**Help Commands**__

s!help : You just executed this command right now. :clown:
s!credits : Display the bot credits.
s!ping : Displays bot status.
s!news : Be aware of new updates

__**Sea Of Discord**__

s!start : Start your adventure if you haven't already !
s!info : Everything a good pirate ever wanted to know !
s!inventory : All your pirate treasures in one command !
s!stats : Show off your magnificent pirate achievements !
s!order : View the list of available orders
s!restart : Restart your adventure from zero.
s!setskin : Define current active skin for specific or all part of yout ship.
s!settitle : Highlight your exploits and define the title that will be highlighted on your profile.
s!confirm : Allows you to validate an action when a confirmation is required.
s!daily : Get your daily reward.
s!shop : List all skin availables. Use s!shop <skin_id> for buy a specific skin.
s!vote : Vote for the bot and get reward.
s!top : Let's see who is the best captain in these sea ! »

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Sea of Tales by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Sea of Tales

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