StalkerBot Commands
command is sent to a channel:
command is triggered:
Command | Description |
s.addkeyword |
- |
s.deletekeyword |
- |
s.listkeywords |
- | |
- |
Command | Description |
/addkeyword |
Adds a keyword to your list of DM triggers |
/addserverkeyword |
Adds a keyword to your list of server-specific DM triggers |
/block |
Blocks a given user by invoking filter user |
/filter add channel |
Adds a channel filter. |
/filter add server |
Adds a server filter |
/filter add text |
Adds a text filter. |
/filter add user |
Adds a server filter |
/filter list |
Lists all your filters |
/filter remove channel |
Removes a channel filter |
/filter remove server |
Adds a server filter |
/filter remove text |
Removes a text filter |
/filter remove user |
Adds a server filter |
/info |
Explains the bot |
/invite |
Gives you the bot's invite link. |
/listkeywords |
Lists all your keywords |
/listserverkeywords |
Lists all your server-specific keywords |
/quickswitch |
Allows users to change individual settings quickly |
/removeall |
Removes all keywords from your list of DM triggers given an optional type (global/server) |
/removekeyword |
Removes a keyword from your list of DM triggers |
/removeserverkeyword |
Removes a keyword from your list of server-specific DM triggers |
/settings |
Allows users to change their settings |
/suggest |
Sends a suggestion message to the bot creator (@Hero#2313) |
/tempmute |
Temporarily mutes the bot from sending a user DMs for a specificed amount of time |
/unblock |
Unblocks a given user by invoking filter remove user |
/unmute |
Unmutes StalkerBot from sending a user messages |
/vote |
Gives you a link to vote for the bot. |
15,100,000 Servers
11,000,000 Servers
10,100,000 Servers
9,770,000 Servers
9,090,000 Servers