Stalwartle icon

Stalwartle icon

Stalwartle Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 6 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Stalwartle Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Stalwartle when the help command is sent to a channel:
Stalwartle avatar
Stalwartle BOT today at 4:20 PM

📬 :: The bot does not have Embed, Manage Messages and/or Add Reactions Permissions, but the list of commands you have access to has been sent to your DMs.

Stalwartle will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Stalwartle avatar
Stalwartle BOT today at 4:20 PM

Want to add Stalwartle to your own server or to a server you manage? If you have Manage Server permissions, you can add this bot by using the link:

Need help or has ideas for the bot? Just want somewhere to hang out? Be with us here:
Cloud Development ⇒

Use the command s.bug to report a bug and s.suggest if you have suggestions.

$3 ⇒ Enable the history and playlist features.
$5 ⇒ Removal of 5-hour limit for each track in music. ($3 perk is included)
$8 ⇒ Autoplay songs (add related videos when queue is empty). Only applicable for YouTube videos. ($3 and $5 perks are included)
$10 ⇒ Make bot not leave within 30 seconds when no one is connected to voice channel; unless the bot is rebooted. ($3, $5, and $8 perks are included)
Please pay at OR OR
AFTER donating, contact Dwigoric#0838 or go to my support server to avail of these perks.

Bot developed by Insane Devs, from 🇵🇭 with ❤
💡 ProTip #1: By mentioning "<@417229971061473290>", I will give the server's current prefix.
💡 ProTip #2: Prefixes are case-insensitive, and unprefixed commands are supported in DMs.
💡 ProTip #3: By using (command), you can get the command's additional information!
💡 ProTip #4: Getting tired of retyping the commands because you made a typo? Worry not! Just edit your message and the bot will edit the response accordingly!
💡 ProTip #5: You do not want to use some commands in your server? Just use s.conf set disabledCommands <command>!
💡 ProTip #6: Having fun with the s.conf command? To access folders in e.g. show subcommand, use s.conf show <folder>. To access items inside the folder, use s.conf show <folder>.<item>.

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Stalwartle by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description -
s.conf -
s.userconf -
s.tvshow - -
s.poll -
Command Description

More Information on Stalwartle

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