Adds a user to the blacklist list [BOT ADMINS ONLY]
Removes a user from the blacklist [BOT ADMINS ONLY]
Checks if a user is blacklisted
Allows a blacklisted user to bypass autoban and join your server.
Allows a user with a new account to bypass alt identification and join your server.
Shows info about the mentioned users discord account.
Provides basic information about the user as name and profile picture.
View your own report.
Shows a list with all the current supported languages
Returns info about the bot
Searches through your server and gives you a list of each blacklisted user with their blacklist reason.
Sends a invite link for the bot.
Sends a invite to the support server.
Sends a link where you can vote for the bot.
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,820,000 Servers
9,000,000 Servers