StormBeatz Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
;settings |
- |
Command | Description |
/aliases |
Check what aliases a command has. |
/back |
Go back to the previous track. |
/clear inactive |
Clears tracks queued by users who have left the VC. |
/clear queue |
Clears all the tracks in the queue. |
/disconnect |
Disconnect StormBeatz from the voice channel. |
/forward |
Fast-forwards the timestamp of the audio by an amount in seconds. |
/info |
Displays information on StormBeatz. |
/invite |
Invite links for the bot and support server. |
/join |
Summon StormBeatz to your voice channel. |
/lyrics |
Get the lyrics of the current or specified song. |
/nowplaying |
View the currently playing track. |
/ping |
Check the bot and API latency. |
/play skip |
Clear the entire queue and play. |
/play soundcloud |
Add a track to the queue directly from SoundCloud. |
/play top |
Add a track to the top of the queue. |
/play track |
Add a track or playlist to the queue. |
/player currentvolume |
View the current volume of the audio player. |
/player loop |
Manage the loop mode of the player: track, queue, or off. |
/player pause |
Pause the audio player. |
/player resume |
Resume/Unpause the audio player. |
/player volume |
Configure the volume of the player. |
/queue list |
List all tracks that are currently in the queue. |
/queue move |
Move a track from a position to another. |
/queue shuffle |
Shuffles all the tracks in the queue. |
/remove dupes |
Remove duplicate tracks from the queue. |
/remove range |
Remove tracks from one position to another. |
/remove track |
Removes the track in the specified position from the queue. Example: 5 |
/replay |
Replay the currently playing track. |
/request |
Sends a request to add a track to the queue. |
/rewind |
Rewinds the timestamp of the audio by an amount in seconds. |
/savedqueues create |
Create a saved queue in the server using the current queue. |
/savedqueues delete |
Delete a saved queue in this server. |
/savedqueues list |
List the current saved queues in this server. |
/savedqueues load |
Load and play a saved queue in this server. |
/search soundcloud |
Search a SoundCloud track on SoundCloud to get the top 5 results. |
/search youtube |
Search a YouTube track on YouTube to get the top 10 results. |
/search youtube-music |
Search a YouTube track on YouTube music to get the top 10 results. |
/seek |
Seek to a specific position/timestamp in the audio. |
/settings 247 |
Modify the 24/7 mode setting. |
/settings announce |
Modify the channel(s) where StormBeatz will announce tracks that play. |
/settings auditlog |
Modify the channel where StormBeatz will log executed actions. |
/settings blacklistrole |
Modify the role(s) that can't use StormBeatz commands. |
/settings cmdblacklist |
Modify the commands that are disabled in this server. |
/settings cmdchannel |
Modify the channel(s) StormBeatz commands can be used in. |
/settings defaultvolume |
Modify the default audio volume of StormBeatz. |
/settings djlivestreams |
Modify the DJ only livestreams setting. |
/settings djonly |
Modify the DJ only setting. |
/settings djplaylists |
Modify the DJ only playlists setting. |
/settings djrole |
Modify the role(s) that can use DJ commands. |
/settings filter |
Modify the phrases that the bot will refuse to play. |
/settings ignoredeafened |
Modify the ignore deafened setting. |
/settings maxqueuesongs |
Modify the maximum amount of songs that can be in the queue. |
/settings maxsonglength |
Modify the maximum song length. |
/settings maxusersongs |
Modify the maximum amount of songs a user can queue. |
/settings musicrole |
Modify the role(s) that can use music commands. |
/settings preventduplicates |
Modify the prevent duplicates setting. |
/settings requests |
Modify the channel where StormBeatz track requests will be sent. |
/settings reset |
Reset all settings to default values. |
/settings setprefix |
Modify the prefix to control StormBeatz. |
/skip force |
Forcefully skip the current track, without a vote. |
/skip to |
Skips to the specified position in the queue. |
/skip vote |
Holds a vote to skip the currently playing track. |
/soundeffect disable |
Disable any sound effect if enabled. |
/soundeffect enable |
Enable a sound effect. |
/trackinfo track |
The track number. |
/uptime |
Check the uptime of StormBeatz. |
/vote check |
Check if you have voted for StormBeatz on |
/vote list |
Get the voting links for StormBeatz. This way you can upvote them. |
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