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StormBeatz icon

StormBeatz Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 68 slash commands for StormBeatz Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by StormBeatz when the help command is sent to a channel:
StormBeatz avatar
StormBeatz BOT today at 4:20 PM

stormzWave Emoji Hey there! I am an advanced Discord music bot!
sdlogo Emoji Developed by Storm Developmentz.

stormzArrow Emoji For information about me, use ;botinfo.
stormzArrow Emoji For information on a command, use ;help [command].

For many cool features such as raising queue limits, filtering explicit songs, permanent access to music sound effect commands, and more, you can buy Premium!

Server Prefix: ;

General Commands [10]

aliases, botinfo, checkvote, help, invite, ping, stats, uptime, version, vote

stormzMusicNote Emoji Music Commands [12]

currentvolume, join, lyrics, nowplaying, play, queue, request, scsearch, search, skip, soundcloud, trackinfo

stormzHeadphones Emoji DJ Commands [24]

back, cleaninactive, clear, disconnect, fix, forceskip, forward, loop, move, pause, playskip, playtop, remove, removedupes, removerange, replay, reset, resume, rewind, savedqueues, seek, shuffle, skipto, volume

stormzMusicNotes Emoji Sound Effect Commands [25]

8d, baby, bassboost, deep, demon, devil, distortion, drunk, electronic, heartbeat, helicopter, helium, leftear, nightcore, pitch, pop, punch, rightear, rock, shake, speed, static, treblebass, underwater, vaporwave

stormzGears Emoji Setup [1]


Storm Developmentz
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of StormBeatz by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
;settings -
Command Description
/aliases Check what aliases a command has.
/back Go back to the previous track.
/clear inactive Clears tracks queued by users who have left the VC.
/clear queue Clears all the tracks in the queue.
/disconnect Disconnect StormBeatz from the voice channel.
/forward Fast-forwards the timestamp of the audio by an amount in seconds.
/info Displays information on StormBeatz.
/invite Invite links for the bot and support server.
/join Summon StormBeatz to your voice channel.
/lyrics Get the lyrics of the current or specified song.
/nowplaying View the currently playing track.
/ping Check the bot and API latency.
/play skip Clear the entire queue and play.
/play soundcloud Add a track to the queue directly from SoundCloud.
/play top Add a track to the top of the queue.
/play track Add a track or playlist to the queue.
/player currentvolume View the current volume of the audio player.
/player loop Manage the loop mode of the player: track, queue, or off.
/player pause Pause the audio player.
/player resume Resume/Unpause the audio player.
/player volume Configure the volume of the player.
/queue list List all tracks that are currently in the queue.
/queue move Move a track from a position to another.
/queue shuffle Shuffles all the tracks in the queue.
/remove dupes Remove duplicate tracks from the queue.
/remove range Remove tracks from one position to another.
/remove track Removes the track in the specified position from the queue. Example: 5
/replay Replay the currently playing track.
/request Sends a request to add a track to the queue.
/rewind Rewinds the timestamp of the audio by an amount in seconds.
/savedqueues create Create a saved queue in the server using the current queue.
/savedqueues delete Delete a saved queue in this server.
/savedqueues list List the current saved queues in this server.
/savedqueues load Load and play a saved queue in this server.
/search soundcloud Search a SoundCloud track on SoundCloud to get the top 5 results.
/search youtube Search a YouTube track on YouTube to get the top 10 results.
/search youtube-music Search a YouTube track on YouTube music to get the top 10 results.
/seek Seek to a specific position/timestamp in the audio.
/settings 247 Modify the 24/7 mode setting.
/settings announce Modify the channel(s) where StormBeatz will announce tracks that play.
/settings auditlog Modify the channel where StormBeatz will log executed actions.
/settings blacklistrole Modify the role(s) that can't use StormBeatz commands.
/settings cmdblacklist Modify the commands that are disabled in this server.
/settings cmdchannel Modify the channel(s) StormBeatz commands can be used in.
/settings defaultvolume Modify the default audio volume of StormBeatz.
/settings djlivestreams Modify the DJ only livestreams setting.
/settings djonly Modify the DJ only setting.
/settings djplaylists Modify the DJ only playlists setting.
/settings djrole Modify the role(s) that can use DJ commands.
/settings filter Modify the phrases that the bot will refuse to play.
/settings ignoredeafened Modify the ignore deafened setting.
/settings maxqueuesongs Modify the maximum amount of songs that can be in the queue.
/settings maxsonglength Modify the maximum song length.
/settings maxusersongs Modify the maximum amount of songs a user can queue.
/settings musicrole Modify the role(s) that can use music commands.
/settings preventduplicates Modify the prevent duplicates setting.
/settings requests Modify the channel where StormBeatz track requests will be sent.
/settings reset Reset all settings to default values.
/settings setprefix Modify the prefix to control StormBeatz.
/skip force Forcefully skip the current track, without a vote.
/skip to Skips to the specified position in the queue.
/skip vote Holds a vote to skip the currently playing track.
/soundeffect disable Disable any sound effect if enabled.
/soundeffect enable Enable a sound effect.
/trackinfo track The track number.
/uptime Check the uptime of StormBeatz.
/vote check Check if you have voted for StormBeatz on
/vote list Get the voting links for StormBeatz. This way you can upvote them.

More Information on StormBeatz

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