Strodl Bot icon

Strodl Bot icon

Strodl Bot

0 reviews | 33,700 servers
Default Prefix: &
Command Description
&cahJoin -
&cahStop -
&cahStart -
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

As soon as you invite Strodl Bot to your channel, it will send the following message:
Strodl Bot avatar
Strodl Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Hello! I'm Strodl Bot! I provide many useful commands which you can view by running &help! I hope you enjoy using me!
If you ever have any questions or just want to hang out, You should join my help server for important announcements, giveaways, and more!
If you're having an issue please check the Wiki/FAQ first, it will usually have the answers you need!

4 shitpost lang &lang sh-IT
For United States English, run &lang en-US
Für deutsch schreibe &lang de-DE
For Tea (satirical, not meant to be taken seriously!), run &lang te-a
For Bavarian, run &lang bar
Türkçe için, ‘&lang tr-TR‘ komutunu çalıştırın
W przypadku języka angielskiego w Stanach Zjednoczonych uruchom &lang pl
Para Español, ejecutar &lang es
For United States English, run &lang fr-FR

NOTE: By using strodl bot you agree to this privacy policy

When inviting Strodl Bot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Strodl Bot avatar
Strodl Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

All commmands:

&advbegin - Starts an adventure
&advrun - Runs a command in an adventure
&advstop - Stops a running adventure
&advseperate - Makes adventure send seperate messages on each virtual screen push rather than message edits

&alexa - Talk with Alexa! (For example, 'Alexa, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?')
&google - Talk with the Google Assistant! (For example, 'Hey Google, what's your favorite color?')

&auto-role - Sets a role to automatically add new members to

&newpost - Creates a new auto-post
&deletepost - Deletes a auto-post

&cahjoin - Join a CaH game
&cahstart - Start a CaH game
&cahpick - Pick the winning CaH card
&cahstop - Stops a CaH game
&cahscore - Shows the current scores in a game of CAH

&steal - Steals a given amount from a user
&transfer - Gives a user your money
&wallet - Finds how much money you have
&hide-my-coins - Hides coin reactions for you
&hide-coins - Hides coin reactions for the server
&shop - Buy/Sell stuff from the shop!
&profile - Show your/another user's badges and coin count
&supress-steal-dm - Toggles supression of steal notification DMs
&getreward - Used to collect your reward after voting
&customcoin - Sets a custom coin for the server
&top - Shows the top 20 users with the most coins in your server

&ratjoin - Joins an Egyptian Rat game
&ratstart - Starts an Egyptian Rat game
&ratstop - Stops an Egyptian Rat game

&feedback - Sends feedback to my owner!

&dic - Fetches the definition for a word from Urban Dictionary
&search - Searches Google for a query
&wiki - Searches Google for a query

&slots - Gamble your coins away with slots!

&ottergif - Gives a random otter gif!
&translategif - Translates words into a GIF!

&help - Shows this!


Bot Status

Strodl Bot's current status is online
Last checked (2023-01-27 08:25:23 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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