StuffyBot Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 41 slash commands for Stuffy Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
-2help |
- |
Command | Description |
/addc |
Add a new capital to the Capital game |
/addcmd |
Create a custom command |
/adds |
Add a new word to Sort game |
/avatar |
View yours avatar or someone else avatar or server icon |
/ban |
Ban a member from the server |
/banlist |
Show a list of all banned members |
/cal |
Calculator for your server |
/clean |
Delete 99 messages |
/cmdlist |
List of all custom commands in the server |
/covid |
Show cases about Covid-19 around the world |
/deletecmd |
Delete custom command |
/disableautor |
Disable auto role system |
/disablecategory |
Disable commands category |
/disablelog |
Disable logging system |
/disablewc |
Disable Welcome/Leave system |
/embed |
Create embed message in a specific channel |
/enableautor |
Enable auto role system |
/enablecategory |
Enable commands category |
/enablelog |
Enable logging system |
/enablewc |
Enable Welcome/Leave system |
/help |
List of all Bot commands |
/invite |
Invite link for the Bot |
/kick |
Kick a member from the server |
/lang |
Change Bot language |
/lock |
Lock current channel or a specific channel |
/loglist |
See all enabled and disabled logging events |
/ping |
Show api & bot latency |
/poll |
Create a poll |
/report |
Report a bug or a typo fix for the Bot |
/roles |
Show all roles for this server or for specifc member |
/rolldice |
Roll a dice |
/serverinfo |
View server info |
/setar |
Select auto role for the new members to grant |
/setlogchannel |
Select a channel to send all logging messages to |
/setnick |
Change yours nickname or another user nickname |
/showautor |
Show the auto role for the server |
/swc |
Select a channel to send all Welcome/Leave messages to |
/unban |
Unban a member from the server |
/unlock |
Unlock current channel or a specific channel |
/userinfo |
View yours info or someone else info |
/youtube |
Start Youtube activity Or another activity with the Boys |
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