Tatakae icon

Tatakae icon


6 reviews | 23,000 servers
Default Prefix: t$
Command Description
t$roll -
... -

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting Tatakae to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Tatakae avatar
Tatakae BOT today at 4:20 PM

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_ _*t$roll*: The bot sends a random character for users to guess the name within 15 seconds.
1) If you hit a character 2 times and it is in your wishlist, it is added to your collection.
2) If you have space left in your wishlist and hit a character that is not present in it, the character will automatically be added to it.
3) If you have your wishlist full and you hit a character that isn't in it, you get hatsu and randomitas.
4) If you hit a character that already belongs to someone else, you win hatsu and randomitas.
5) Hatsu hatsu Emoji is a value based on the character's popularity (calculated according to the number of likes he has) and can range from 50 to 1000.
6) Randomita randomita Emoji is a random value from 0 to 1000. Every time you hit a character and gain randomita, you will gain a random value.

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t$daily: Receive daily rewards.
t$buyrolls: Buy 20 rolls for 5000 randomita Emoji. If not used, purchased rolls expire on the next reset.
t$collectedlist: Show a list with the collected characters. By default the order of the list follows the order in which the characters were taken. Options: 'a', 'r','o'.
t$hitlist: Shows the list of characters that have been guessed at the current hour. Options: 'a', 'r'.
t$freeroll: Infinite rolls, but you don't get anything guessing a character.
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**🎎 Characters collection**

Commands related to managing your collection. Currently the limit is 100 characters per collection.

t$wish <character>: Add the specified character to your wishlist.
t$wishlist: Show your wishlist.
t $wishremove <character>: Remove the entered character from your wishlist. Use * as argument to remove all the characters from your wishlist.
t$mycollection: Show your characters collection. Options: 'a', 'r', 'i'.
t$renamecollection <name>: Rename your collection.
t$sell <character>: Sell the informed character by 5x its hatsu hatsu Emoji value.
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**🤝Transfer commands**

Transfer characters, hatsu or randomitas.

t$givechar <@username> <personagem>: Transfers the character informed to the informed user. It is possible to just use the user id instead of tagging it.
t$givehatsu <@user> <hatsu>: Transfers the amount of hatsu hatsu Emoji informed to the informed user. It is possible to use only the user id instead of tagging it.
t$giverandomita <@username> <randomita>: Transfers the quantity of randomita randomita Emoji informed to the informed user. It is possible to just use the user id instead of tagging it.
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🔎 Search info

Find information about a user, character or series.

t$profile [@user]: Shows your profile. If an id is provided, it shows the user's profile with the given id.
t$searchchar <name> : Searches for characters with the given name. Option: *'l'
t$searchseries <title> : Search series (anime, manga or games) with the title provided. Options: *
'i', 'o'.
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🎮 Casual matches

Play games for fun at any time!

t$casualmatch: Starts a casual match.
t$casualmatchinfo: Shows information about the casual match.
t$stopcasualmatch: End a casual match.
t$quitcasualmatch: Exit a casual match.
1) In casual matches it is not possible to get hits, hatsu and * randomita*.
2) The command t$pass is always available in casual games.
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🏆 Rank

See ranks of your server, all servers and all characters.

t$localrank [unit]: Shows the rank of the current server. [unit] can be hits, hatsu, or randomita. If no units are passed, show the top 3 for each unit.
t$serversrank [unit]: Shows the rank of the servers. [unit] can be hits, hatsu or randomita. If no units are passed, show the top 3 for each unit.
t$charactersrank <ranque_inicial>: Show 1000 characters beginning in the informed rank.
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🥰 Favorite characters

Register your favorite characters and make them move up the rank!

t$like <name>: Favorite the character with the given name and add it to your list of favorite characters.
t$likelist: Shows your list of favorite characters.
t$dislikechar <name>: Removes your like from the character with the given name and removes it from your list of favorite characters.
t$likepos <name> <position>: Puts the informed character in the desired position. The character must already be present in the likelist.
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💅 Cosmetics

Personalize your profile and other embeds!

t$buytitle: Buy titles using hatsu.
t$mytitles: Show your titles list.
t$changetitle <name>: Change the current title to the informed title.
t$changecolor: Use hatsu to change the color of your embeds.
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Bot Status

Tatakae's current status is online
Last checked (2022-07-18 10:50:04 UTC)

Usage Statistics


lolixinho avatar
O bot é muito bom
written by lolixinho (2023-06-17 01:41:01 UTC)

Traz esse bot novamente para nós ele me ajudou muito no meu servidor

sakusa avatar
written by sakusa (2023-05-22 17:25:09 UTC)

whoever created thi sbot please revive it again its been almost a year and im still missing it

yaminogame avatar
O melhor bot
written by yaminogame (2023-03-04 00:53:27 UTC)

O bot sempre foi otimo não sei pq excluirão ele era ótimo sinto falta dele

P0T4T0 avatar
Tatakae Review
written by P0T4T0 (2022-07-25 03:14:34 UTC)


Sir.fishyfluffington(HAI) avatar
Why not working?
written by Sir.fishyfluffington(HAI) (2022-07-24 22:28:10 UTC)

This was an amazing bot that brought back my dead server and was really fun. I’m not sure why it was deleted but if possible pls bring it back 🙏.

naza avatar
Is not longer working
written by naza (2022-07-23 04:52:14 UTC)

Me and my friends used to love this bot, idk If is gonna be back but it's been offline for like a week

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