This message is shown by Taunt Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Taunt Bot BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Every time you win, listen to your anthem by joining a voice channel and entering tb win in the chat. For smaller achievements, use tb mvp to hear a shorter audio track of your choosing. To get started, log in with your Discord account at Lastly, upload your taunts and you'll be ready to go! You must be connected to a voice channel for it to work. Created by Cory Sanin (AKA WORM)
tb win
Plays your victory track. Optionally, you can play someone else's win anthem by mentioning them. Example: tb win @Taunt Bot
tb mvp
Plays your mvp track. Optionally, you can play someone else's mvp anthem by mentioning them. Example: tb mvp @Taunt Bot
tb lose
Plays your lose track. Optionally, you can play someone else's lose anthem by mentioning them. Example: tb lose @Taunt Bot
tb stop
Cancels the current track, if you started it (or if you're an admin)
tb invite
Generates a link to invite Taunt Bot to a server near you!
tb help
Displays this help message
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Taunt Bot by visiting their support server or their website: