The Slayer White icon

The Slayer White icon

The Slayer White Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 56 slash commands for The Slayer White Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by The Slayer White when the help command is sent to a channel:
White avatar
White BOT today at 4:20 PM
**WHITE** Help

To start playing White, you need to use the command t?tower start







More information => t?help commands
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of The Slayer White by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/achievements Lets you know your achievements.
/alchemist create You use the art of alchemy to create new items.
/alchemist list List of objects you can create with alchemy.
/babel The Tower of Babel is a formidable fighting place gathering the strongest fighters in the world.
/blacklist block Blocks the commands you want.
/blacklist list List of commands blocked in this channel.
/blacklist reset Reset the commands blocked in this channel.
/chest buy Allows you to buy Chest [S / A / B].
/chest open Allows you to buy Chest [S / A / B / C].
/daily Collect points and experience every 24 hours and sometimes a special lootbox.
/encyclopedia With your pocket encyclopedia you can consult your weapons collection or your bestiary.
/equip Equips different items to increase your personal stats.
/expedition claim To retrieve your expedition loot.
/expedition info Information about your expedition equipment.
/expedition list List of expeditions.
/expedition start To go on an expedition in search of fabulous treasure.
/expedition upgrade For the optimization of your equipment.
/fight Fight different monsters or Boss to get rewards.
/fish You can catch fish and sometimes special materials and sometimes a legendary weapon is present.
/forge craft create The blacksmith offers you to create different objects for you
/forge craft list List of item you can create
/forge destroy all The blacksmith wanted to convert all of your weapons into materials
/forge destroy id The blacksmith wanted to convert one of your weapons into materials
/forge iv Basic technique of the blacksmith, allows to reforge the individual values (iv)
/forge raffinement increase Increase the quality of your objects
/forge raffinement list Get the list of items whose quality can be increased
/forge sell all The blacksmith wishes to redeem all of your weapons
/forge sell id The blacksmith wishes to redeem one of your weapons
/forge workbench The blacksmith consults the list of your plans and you indicate what he is able to achieve.
/help Display the list of commands
/hourly Collect points and experience every hours and sometimes a special lootbox.
/info Display the different stats of the bot.
/invite To join the support Discord or invite the bot
/language server Allows you to choose your language between French and English.
/language users Allows you to choose your language between French and English.
/lootbox list List of your lootbox.
/lootbox open Opens your lootboxes.
/pocket Allows you to consult the list of your various objects (Weapon, Shield, Ring, Boots).
/prefix info Information about server Prefix.
/prefix reset Reset the prefix.
/prefix set Configured according to your choice the prefix connected to the server.
/profile Consult your profile.
/quest Daily and weekly quests, (t?quest claim to recover Quest points) Reset midnight UTC.
/shop Allows you to buy different items. (Reset midnight UTC)
/top Overall player ranking. (Level, Fish, Floor, Points, Ency)
/tower down Going down one floor.
/tower info Information on your current floor.
/tower next To move to the next floor if all quests are completed.
/tower quest Information on your current floor quest.
/tower reset To delete your profile.
/tower start To start climbing the tower
/tower teleport Use teleportation to get to a floor you have already explored.
/train Lets improve are Shinsu quality or Body reinforcement or Metamorphose.
/use list List of objects you can use.
/use use Choose the item you want to use.
/vote You allow you to vote for the bot on and offer you rewards.

More Information on The Slayer White

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