This message is shown by The Thunderhead when the help command is sent to a channel:
Thunderhead BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
📜 __Commands__ (Page 1/4)
/ask: Ask me a question, and I will answer with the truth. /cringe: Take a screenshot of cringe. 📸 /help: A list of commands. /language: Set the language I speak to you in! If I do not have your prefered language on hand, you can help translate. /ping: Pong! 🏓 /profile: Make a scythely avatar! Categories: Robe, Hair, Background, Skin, Face, and Gems /remindme: Add a reminder so you don't forget /roleme: Assign yourself a role /serverinfo: Find out more about this server /site: My website! /spoilers: Mark a spoiler with this command! /suggest: Suggest a feature for the bot. /time: Check on the time somewhere far away! /userinfo: Find out more about a user /weather: Check on the weather
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of The Thunderhead by visiting their support server or their website: