Trivia Bot icon

Trivia Bot icon

Trivia Bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 2 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Trivia Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Trivia Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Trivia Bot avatar
Trivia Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

For more detailed help type >help <command-name>.


Trivia- Play an optional choices Trivia game.
McTrivia- Play a non-optional trivia game.
Stock- Allowing you to buy and sell stocks
Bug- report bugs directly to us!
Riddles- Play a game of riddles!
Words- Guess as many words as you can that starts/end with specific letters
MemoryGame-You have to remember all the details of a picture
ReadingGame- Read a word when it is mirrored or upside down
CloseGame- Rank the circles by the closest circle to the black circle
ReColor-AI colorize black and white pictures
akinator- Choose a character and see if the bot guesses it.
hangman-In this game you have to guess the word by sending random letters until you have enough information to guess the word
FunFact - Sends a random fun fact!
stop- Stop the game.
Shop-Buy templates for the >stats command
Equip- Choose a template


Settings- Set settings for your trivia games.

__**Display information**__

Stats- See your Trivia statistic.
Category- List all the categories.
Leaderboard- See the users with most points!
Vote - support the server
Invite- Add the bot into your own server!


The sources of this trivia bots are taken mostly from 2 places, first one is from the open trivia database and from another trivia database that contains around 50k trivia questions

**__Join the community__**

If you need any help with the bot or have any suggestions for the bot development or just wants to see the new coming updates, be sure to check out our discord server!

Invite the bot

All commands are unlocked!
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Trivia Bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
>settings -
>recolor -
Command Description

More Information on Trivia Bot

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