This message is shown by UltimateGDBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
UltimateGDBot BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Here is the list of commands you can use in this channel. Use u!help <command> to view the detailed documentation of a specific command.
Core u!about - Shows information about the bot itself. u!help|manual - Provides documentation for all commands. u!ping - Pings the bot to check if it is alive. u!runtime - Display runtime information on the bot. u!setup|config|settings|configure - View and edit the bot configuration in this server.
Geometry Dash u!account - Allows you to manage your connection with your Geometry Dash account. u!checkmod - Checks for the presence of the Moderator badge on someone's profile. u!daily|dailylevel - Displays info on the current Daily level. u!leaderboard|leaderboards - Builds and displays a server-wide Geometry Dash leaderboard. u!level - Searches for online levels in Geometry Dash. u!levelsby - Browse levels from a specific player in Geometry Dash. u!lvlreq|levelrequest - Submit your levels for other players to give feedback on them. u!modlist - Displays the full list of last known Geometry Dash moderators. u!profile - Fetches a user's GD profile and displays information on it. u!weekly|weeklydemon - Displays info on the current Weekly demon.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of UltimateGDBot by visiting their support server or their website: