Universal™ Commands
Currently we have 0 bot commands and 43 slash commands for Universal™ Discord bot.
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/addowner |
Makes a user able to run owner-only commands |
/avatar |
Gets a users avatar |
/ban |
Bans a person |
/banner |
Gets the server banner (if there is one) |
/botinfo |
Gets information about the bot |
/clean |
Purges messages |
/createmuted |
Creates a muted role |
/delowner |
Removes a users owner status (Bot only) |
/forceleave |
Forcefully leaves a server |
/help |
Get help info on a command/category |
/invite |
Get the bot's Invite |
/kick |
Kicks a person |
/lockdown |
Toggles a lockdown in the current channel |
/lockdownall |
Locks down all channels |
/lookup |
Gets info on an invite code/User ID |
/modlog |
Toggles logging moderation actions in the current channel |
/mute |
Mutes a person |
/nuke |
Clears message history |
/pardon |
Removes a persons strike. |
/pardonall |
Removes all strikes from a person |
/ping |
Gets the bots current ping |
/punishment |
Sets the punishment for when the strike limit is reached |
/roleinfo |
Gets information about a role |
/servericon |
Gets the servers icon |
/serverinfo |
Gets information about the server |
/serverlog |
Toggles Member joining/leaving |
/setmod |
Sets a moderator role so they can run some commands without perms. |
/settings |
Gets the guilds settings. |
/silentban |
Non-Message deleting ban |
/slowmode |
Toggles slowmode |
/softban |
Basically a kick, but purges messages |
/strike |
Gives the user a strike. |
/strikes |
Tells you the strikes a user has. |
/support |
Gets help with bot |
/toggle |
Toggles Anti-Nuke flags, Server owner(s) only. |
/unban |
Unbans a user with their ID |
/unmute |
Unmutes a person |
/unwhitelist |
Removes a users/roles ability to bypass all anti nuke flags. |
/userinfo |
Gets information about a user |
/voicekick |
Kicks a person from vc |
/website |
Bot's Website |
/whitelist |
Ability to allow users/roles to bypass all anti-nuke flags. (Be careful) |
/whitelisted |
Checks who is whitelisted |
15,100,000 Servers
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9,840,000 Servers
9,010,000 Servers