VXComplexity icon

VXComplexity icon

VXComplexity Commands

Currently we have 0 bot commands and 23 slash commands for VXComplexity Discord bot.

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of VXComplexity by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball 8ball awaits for your question, ask away!
/amiajoke Shows the 'am i a joke?' meme with the given image being the guy's face.
/avatar Shows the avatar of a user.
/balance Shows the amount of coins a user has.
/ban Bans a member.
/bet Gamble and win double the amount of the bet you placed.
/cat Shows a random cat image/gif.
/claptext 👏 Claps 👏 Text 👏
/code execute Executes code with 600+ languages.
/code list Displays all of the available programming languages to choose from.
/coinflip Flips a coin.
/daily Gives you a specified amount of coins everyday on usage
/decode Decode base64 or binary to text.
/deepfry Deep fries a user's avatar.
/didyoumean The google "Did you mean" section replacement.
/docs Search through the discord.js documentation.
/encode Encode given input to base64 or binary.
/eval Evaluates code.
/exec Executes commands in bash.
/kick Kicks a member.
/ping Checks the latency of the websocket, message and the database.
/topgg bot Shows info about a bot from top.gg.
/topgg user Shows info about a user in top.gg.

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