Wave icon

Wave icon

Wave Commands

Currently we have 16 bot commands and 46 slash commands for Wave Discord bot.

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Wave by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
%yardım -
%botbilgi -
%Tokatla -
%tokatla -
%davet -
%sunucuavatar -
%sunucupp -
%duyuru -
%isim -
%profil -
%oylama -
%yavaşmod -
%temizle -
%sil -
%mute -
%jail -
Command Description
/247 Enabled or disabled 24/7 for server.
/8d Enabled or diables 8D.
/addcode Owner only command :)
/bass Enabled or diables bass.
/bassboost 1 Changes bassboost level to 1.
/bassboost 2 Changes bassboost level to 2.
/bassboost 3 Changes bassboost level to 3.
/bassboost 4 Changes bassboost level to 4.
/bassboost 5 Changes bassboost level to 5.
/bassboost reset Disables bassboost.
/clear Remove all songs from queue.
/debug Displays information for guild player.
/disconnect Stop the music and leave the voice channel.
/djrole Config djrole for server.
/eval Owner only command :)
/help Shows all the commands available
/invite Send bot's invite link(s).
/join Joins your voice channel.
/karaoke Enabled or diables Karaoke.
/loop current Enables loop for current track.
/loop disable Disabled loop.
/loop queue Enables loop for current queue.
/nightcore Enabled or diables NightCore.
/nodeinfo Displays information for bot's players.
/nowplaying Shows information for current track.
/pause Pauses music if player is playing music.
/ping Displays all bot's latencies.
/play Add music to queue or plays music if queue is empty.
/prefix Changes or displays current prefix.
/premium Displays all premium features available.
/redeem Redeem premium if code is valid.
/remove Remove a particular song/track from queue.
/replay Restart current song/track from starting.
/reset Resets all the filters set.
/resume Resumes music if player is paused.
/seek Skips from current track/song to specific track/song.
/shuffle Shuffle all the songs that are queued.
/skip Skips from current track/song to next track/song.
/skipto Skips from current track/song to specific track/song.
/stats Shows bot stats.
/status Owner only command :)
/stop Stop the music and clear the queue.
/toggle-np Enables or disables np-messages.
/validity Displays premium validity for server.
/vaporwave Enabled or diables VaporWave.
/volume Displays current volume / changes player volume.

More Information on Wave

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