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Wayfinder BOT today at 4:20 PM

Wayfinder is a Pathfinder 2nd Edition utility bot designed to facilitate online play.
You can view the wiki here.
This bot is meant to be used in conjuction of character.pf2.tools as all sheets have to be imported from there.
Invite Wayfinder to your server here!

Sheet Management

Import: Import a character or companion from pf2.tools.
Character: Display/change your active character.
Companion: Display/change your active companion.
Familiar: Display your active character's familiar if it has one.
Sheets: List all of your character and companion sheets.
Delete: Deletes a sheet from the database.
Sync: Sync your current character/companion.

Sheet Lookup

Feat: Display/lookup character/companion feats.
Feature: Display/lookup character/companion class features.
Action: Display/lookup character/companion activities.
Inventory: Display/lookup character/companion items.
Spellbook: Display/lookup character/companion spells.

Dice Rolling

Roll: Roll some dice.
Check: Make a skill check with your active character.
Save: Roll a saving throw.
Ability: Make an Ability check.
Strike: Perform a strike.


Wiki: Search the Archives of Nethys for feats, actions, Items, class features, etc.


Help: Shows this
Prefix: Changes the prefix used for commands on this server.


Color: Change the color of the band to the left of all rolls and commands relating to your active character.


Encounter: View, Start or End an encounter. Defaults to viewing the active encounter.
Initiative: Roll initiative, or add yourself to initiative with a specific value. If you use the command with no arguments, you will roll perception.
AddNPC: Adds an NPC to initiative. Unlike players, you can't modify the initiative of an NPC. You must remove it using !Remove and add them again.
Remove: Removes a participant from Initiative.
Next: Ends your turn and pings the next person in initiative. The Game Master can use this command regardless of whose turn it is.
ForceEnd: Forcefully end an ongoing encounter. Only users with the 'Manage Messages' permission can use this command.
AddEffect: Adds an effect tracker to the encounter. If your effect name has multiple words, make sure to wrap the name in quotation marks.
RemoveEffect: Removes an effect tracker from the encounter. If your effect name has multiple words, make sure to wrap the name in quotation marks.

More Help

Type !Help <command> to get more info on a specific command.

Bot Status

Wayfinder's current status is online
Last checked (2023-04-21 18:45:03 UTC)

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