WikiBot icon

WikiBot icon

WikiBot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 14 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Wiki Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by WikiBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
WikiBot avatar
WikiBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
WikiBot Help

To know more about each command, type ?help command

?yt `query`

YouTube search

?wiki `query`

Wikipedia search

?urban|ud `query`

Urban Dictionary search

?wikilang `language`

Set Wikipedia language (EN for English, DE for German etc.)

?8ball `question`

Ask Magic 8 Ball a question

?cp|copypasta `query`

Sends a copypasta from r/copypasta

?hot|meme|reddit `subreddit`

Sends an image from the subreddit

?warn `@user` `reason`

Warns user for a given reason

?warns `@user`

Check user's warns (your warns if no user is mentioned)

?changelang `language`

Change bot language to a supported language

?clearwarns `@user`

Clear user's warns


Check WikiBot language for current server

?subscribe | subreddit | `subreddit`

Add subreddit to a list of subscribed subreddits used for an empty ?reddit | hot | meme command (with no arguments)

?archivepins|ap `#source-channel` `#target-channel`

Archives pins from #source-channel into #target-channel

?send `#target-channel` `message`

Sends message to #target-channel

?ars `keyword`;`response`

Bot responds with response if message is equal to keyword (case insensitive)

?ard `keyword`;`response`

Bot responds with response if message contains keyword (case insensitive)

?rrs|rrd `response`

Removes a response, ?rrs to remove a static response, ?rrd to remove dynamic one


Garand ping


Check latency


Who asked?

?toggle `feature`

Toggle features such as dadbot,repeat and wolfram/what is

Web Dashboard:
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of WikiBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
?help -
?wiki -
?wikilang -
?subreddit -
?yt -
?ars -
?ard -
?rrs -
?rrd -
?warn -
?warns -
?clearwarns -
?ping -
?changelang -
Command Description

More Information on WikiBot

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