Woomy icon

Woomy icon

Woomy Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Woomy Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Woomy when the help command is sent to a channel:
Woomy avatar
Woomy BOT today at 4:20 PM
Command list

⁣For more information on a specific command use ~help <command>
For the full command list use ~help all

Action [9]

cuddle feed hug kiss pat poke slap smug tickle

Configure [11]

adminrole autorole chatlogs goodbye modlogs modrole mutedrole prefix reset settings welcome

Fun [29]

8ball achievement bohemian_rhapsody catfact coinflip creeper dice dogfact emojify fact garfield identity inspirobot lmgtfy owoify pride pronoun randurban rate rip sans say sexuality ship spoilerise urban woomy yoda zalgo

Image [8]

cat dog kemonomimi kitsune lizard neko nekogif wag

Moderation [11]

ban blocklist giverole hackban kick mute purge raidmode softban takerole unmute

Music [16]

fixmusic forceskip movehere movesong nowplaying pause play playnext queue removesong resume shuffle skip songinfo stop volume

Splatoon [3]

salmonrun splatnet splatoonmaps

Utility [20]

about avatar calculate changelog colour credits emoji feedback help invite msearch permlevel ping rolecolour roleinfo servericon serverinfo support userinfo weather

Invite me

Click here to add me to your server


Click here if bot broke

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Woomy by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
~help -
Command Description

More Information on Woomy

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