xToP⚡ Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 30 slash commands for xToP⚡ Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/clear |
Clears the queue |
/help |
Shows simple information about xtop bot |
/invite |
Sends a link to summon me to your server |
/join |
Makes the bot join your voice channel |
/leave |
Makes the bot leave a voice channel |
/nowplaying |
Shows details of the current playing track |
/pause |
Pauses playback of the current track |
/play |
Adds tracks to the queue |
/playlist add |
Adds an item to your playlist |
/playlist list |
Shows your playlist |
/playlist play |
Plays your playlist |
/playlist remove |
Removes tracks from your playlist |
/playlist status |
Shows/Modifies your status playlist |
/previous |
Skips to previous track |
/queue |
Shows tracks in the queue |
/repeat |
Shows current repeat mode |
/replay |
Replay the current track |
/resume |
Resumes playback of the current track |
/search |
Search by YouTube, then shows the list that matches the query. |
/seek |
Seeks current playing track to a specified duration |
/settings aliases |
Shows/Adds an Alias for a specific command |
/settings language |
Shows/Modifies bot language |
/settings mode |
Enables/manages music mode |
/settings prefix |
Shows current bot prefix |
/settings sync |
Syncs bot settings |
/shuffle |
Shuffles the queue. |
/skip |
Skips the current track |
/speed |
Shows playback speed. |
/stop |
Stops and resets playback, clears the queue. |
/volume |
Shows current volume level |
15,100,000 Servers
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9,000,000 Servers